PROJECT IN PROGRESS. Waits for a Metasploit shell on an Active Directory environment then automatically privilege escalates to domain admin.
This install is only tested on Kali. Clone into the repo, enter the cloned folder and run Open a new terminal and start metasploit with the included rc file. Back in the original terminal continue by entering the newly-created virtual environment with pipenv. Finally, enter the included msfrpc/ folder and install it now that you're inside the virtual environment.
git clone
cd msfbot
In a new terminal: msfconsole -r msfrpc.rc
pipenv install --three
pipenv shell
cd msfrpc && python2 setup install && cd ..
Listens for session, performs AV-resistant domain recon (with wmic), lateral spread, does mimikatz/hashdump, does lateral movement with psexec_psh.
- Needs a lot more testing, only have a couple windows labs to test this in
- Need to change lateral movement to something more red teamy than psexec_psh, maybe use the LOLbin extexport.exe to remotely load a shelltered payload on remote box using wmic?
- Add --stealth flag. Have it work for speed normally unless this switch is given and then use red team tactics instead.