All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
0.1.10 - 2023-11-27
- kenBuddy now also attaches to
(Thanks Gustavo Edinger!)
- Added arrive.js, which now allows to listen for multiple widgets, and also will re-attach the element if you are navigating the page.
0.1.9 - 2023-11-10
- Start time for lunch break can now be set. The time will be initialized by the start time of the workday + half the duration of the work day.
- The time input got reworked, and now no longer uses the "time" type to input.
0.1.8 - 2023-04-03
- Changes to the DST handling introduced an issue where the schedule day was offset by one.
0.1.7 - 2023-03-31
- An issue regarding the switch to Daylight Savings Time has been addressed
0.1.6 - 2023-03-17
- The
endpoint has been removed. For now, the call simply gets skipped, but functionality should be included soon after.
0.1.5 - 2023-01-31
- Prevents filling the whole week or month in advance.
0.1.4 - 2023-01-11
- Completely new Settings UI
- Ability to fill the attendance for the whole week
- Localization has been completed
- Attendance for whole week is now the only visible option. This can be changed in the settings.
- Fixes an issue where the buttons won't appear after logging in
- Code has been refactored
0.1.3 - 2023-01-04
- Prevents adding another entry on the same day
- Renames extensions
0.1.2 - 2023-01-03
- Firefox Support :)
- Modified the logo
- Extended the Readme
0.1.1 - 2023-01-03
- Changelog :)
- [Chrome] Extension now requires less permissions (host_permission)
- [Chrome] Alert isn't displayed any longer. The page simply reloads
- [Chrome] Settings are now filled after first launch
0.1.0 - 2023-01-02
- Ability to fill the attendance sheet for a month
- Ability to fill the attendance sheet for a day