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Spinnaker OSS Roadmap

This OSS Roadmap outlines high-level deliverables and is broken down into loosely-bound buckets (current, near-term, and incubation), rather than being bucketed by specific release versions. The deliverables below are a combination of independent contributions from private organizations and a rollup of SIG-specific roadmaps.

In advance of the 2019 summit, we have also put together a succinct list of what the major contributors supporting Spinnaker are working on in the first half of 2020.

For Spinnaker Release deliverables, please see Releases on GitHub.

Active Investment

Themes that are currently under active development or continued iteration.

Increase Adoption

Synopsis: Reduce on-boarding time and effort to install, configure, and integrate with Spinnaker.

  • Lead: Armory
  • Beneficiary: Evaluators, operators, integrators
  • Area of Investment: Onboarding
  • Deliverables:
    • Spinnaker Operator for Kubernetes


Synopsis: Spinnaker was designed with pluggability in mind; indeed, such extensibility has enabled new cloud providers beyond AWS such as Titus and new custom stages. This process could be made easier by investing in more strongly typed APIs and documentation.

  • Lead: Netflix
  • Beneficiary: Spinnaker developers, orgs integrating with Spinnaker
  • Area of Investment: Development extensibility
  • Deliverables:
    • Plugin system
    • V3 public API
    • V2 event stream

Multi-Location Active-Active

Synoposis: Our intent is to run Spinnaker's various services out of multiple datacenters in an active-active fashion so as to provide resilience in the event of a major datacenter outage.

  • Lead: Netflix
  • Beneficiary: Spinnaker operators, Netflix-internal customers
  • Area of Investment: Infrastructure
  • Deliverables:
    • Capability of running all services across multiple locations
    • Cross-region data replication & recovery

Dynamic External Configuration

Synopsis: Today, most configuration changes to Spinnaker requires a redeployment of the affected service(s). We want to enable our services to have more runtime-, externally-defined configurations that can be changed without service deployments.

  • Lead: Pivotal, Armory
  • Beneficiary: Spinnaker operators
  • Area of Investment: Infrastructure
  • Deliverables:
    • Integration with Spring Config Server
    • Dynamic Kubernetes accounts
    • Configuration UI


Synoposis: Continued investment in Kubernetes.

  • Lead: Kubernetes SIG
  • Beneficiary: Kubernetes users
  • Area of Investment: Cloud Providers
  • Deliverables:
    • Performance enhancements
    • Improved isolation between accounts and startup time
    • Partially apply manifests

Amazon ECS

Synopsis: Continued investment in Amazon ECS provider.

  • Lead: AWS SIG
  • Beneficiary: Amazon ECS users
  • Area of Investment: Cloud Providers
  • Deliverables:
    • (Partially complete) Contribute end to end testing resources (per RFC)


Synoposis: Continued investment in Managed Pipeline Templates V2 and early development of Managed / Declarative Delivery.

  • Lead: Spinnaker-as-Code SIG
  • Beneficiary: Users, integrators
  • Area of Investment: Overall
  • Deliverables:
    • MPTv2: Enhanced UX around versioning and template editing in UI
    • MPTv2: Support for complex workflows with SpinCLI and Sponnet
    • Managed Delivery: Support for basic AWS & Titus resources
    • Managed Delivery: Support for constraints & multi-environment promotion


Synoposis: We are focusing on setting up poilicies and procedures for Security incidents and safeguards, dealing with identified vulnerabilities, and expanding authorization models within Spinnaker.

  • Lead: Security SIG
  • Beneficiary: Overall
  • Area of Investment: Security
  • Deliverables:
    • Defining a process for incoming security vulnerabilities
    • Setup of automated vulnerability scanning of Spinnaker BOM dependencies
    • Improving Fiat integration tests
    • Expanding RBAC for execution permissions to Pipelines
    • RBAC control for CI systems, inbound Pub/Sub
    • RBAC for MPTv2


Synoposis: Make it easier for community members to contribute to Deck and improve health of the codebase.

  • Lead: UI/UX SIG
  • Beneficiary: Spinnaker developers
  • Area of Investment: Tools
  • Deliverables:
    • Development best practices documentation
    • Storybook with interactive examples of reusable components
    • Migration from Angular to React
    • Improvement of package/module/build system
    • Avenue to showcase custom extensions of Deck

Future Investment

Themes that have not started development but are slated to be started soon.

Increasing Adoption

Synoposis: Accelerate adoption by showcasing best-practice pipelines and community usage stats.

  • Lead: Armory
  • Beneficiary: Evaluators, operators, users
  • Area of Investment: Onboarding
  • Deliverables
    • Community stats and dashboards
    • Pre-installed demo pipelines
    • Improve contextual help messages in UI

Internal Investment

Themes that are on-going, internal investments on technical debt, etc. These investments are contributed to by all organizations and are lead by the Technical Oversight Committee.

Groovy Deprecation

Synopsis: Groovy has been deprecated and new Groovy code is no longer accepted. Code is being actively migrated to Java or Kotlin.

Spectator to Micrometer Migration

Synopsis: Spring Boot 2 has standardized around the Micrometer project for metrics collection. This is roughly API-compatible with Spectator, Netflix's metrics collection library, and will be incrementally replaced as the project continues.