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SDK Installation

GDrukenmiller edited this page Sep 13, 2022 · 9 revisions



  1. Open Steam.
  2. Navigate to Tools from Library.
  3. Double-click Red Orchestra SDK Beta.
  4. Click Next.

The SDK will then install. Once it has been installed, continue to the next section.

Create Shortcut

To launch the SDK for Darkest Hour (or any mod of Red Orchestra), you will need to create a shortcut to the Red Orchestra SDK and supply some special parameters so that it knows it is editing Darkest Hour and not Red Orchestra.

  1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Red Orchestra System directory (%RODIR%/System).
  2. Right-click ROEdLAA.exe, select Send To, then Desktop.
  3. Navigate to your Desktop (+D).
  4. Right-click the newly created shortcut (ROEdLAA.exe - Shortcut), then select Properties.
  5. Select the General tab.
  6. Rename the shortcut to DarkestHour SDK.
  7. Select the Shortcut tab.
  8. Under Target, input "%RODIR%\System\ROEdLAA.exe" -mod=DarkestHour -nogamma
  9. Click OK.

If you want to create a shortcut for the development version of the game (DarkestHourDev), simply replace -mod=DarkestHour with -mod=DarkestHourDev.

All done!

You now have a shortcut to open the Darkest Hour SDK! Now that you're all set up, learn how to get started creating levels by reading the Leveling Introduction.

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