Smart Canteen as the name itself, we can decide to make our canteen digitalized and secure. Basically our plan is We have only got half an hour of Our lunch break, we will waste half an hour by stating in front of the counter. To eliminate this method we decided to build the software.
Our plan is we give a number to each bench available in the canteen, the buyers, or students go and sit on one bench and order the food to that bench by selecting the bench number in the web software.
There are two payment options is available in the software, 1. Cash on delivery(COD), 2. UPI. If you choose cash on delivery the request is sent to the canteen module, if the canteen head clicks on the paid button then your payment becomes success otherwise it will show the pending payment. Yes, you can order the food without playing the money also. It will show pending and you can pay the bill later also.
already we did some work on this project half of the projet is already completed another half is left
Backend: Python libraries( flask, pandas, csv, cryptography, bcrypt, gridfs, pymongo for all mongodb operation)
Database: MongoDB
There are three modules in our project 1. USERS MODULE 2. CANTEEN MODULE 3. ADMIN MODULE