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736 lines (579 loc) · 51.8 KB

Upgrading datadog

From 0.x to 1.0

Upgrading ddtrace from 0.x to 1.x introduces some breaking changes which are outlined below.

How to upgrade basic usage

For users with a basic implementation (configuration file + out-of-the-box instrumentation), only minor changes to your configuration file are required: most applications take just minutes to update. Check out the following sections for a step-by-step guide.

Additional upgrades for advanced usage

For users with an advanced implementation of ddtrace (custom instrumentation, sampling or processing behavior, etc), some additional namespace and behavioral changes may be required. See the following sections for details about what features changed and how to use them.


For a comprehensive list of everything that changed, the appendix hosts some helpful and detailed tables with recommendations.

Upgrading basic usage


`require` paths have changed

If you require any of the following paths, update them accordingly:

0.x require path 1.0 require path
ddtrace/opentelemetry Removed
ddtrace/opentracer datadog/opentracer
ddtrace/profiling/preload datadog/profiling/preload

Using require 'ddtrace' will load all features by default. To load individual features, you may use the following paths instead:

Feature 1.0 require path
AppSec datadog/appsec
CI datadog/ci
OpenTracing datadog/opentracer
Profiling datadog/profiling
Tracing datadog/tracing

Settings have been renamed

Configuration settings have been sorted into smaller configuration groups, by feature.

  • Datadog.configure { |c| c.* }: Datadog configuration settings
  • Datadog.configure { |c| c.tracing.* }: Tracing configuration settings
  • Datadog.configure { |c| c.profiling.* }: Profiling configuration settings
  • Datadog.configure { |c|* }: CI configuration settings

For existing applications, configuration files should be updated accordingly. For example:

# config/initializers/datadog.rb
require 'ddtrace'

### Old 0.x ###
Datadog.configure do |c|
  # Global settings
  c.tracer.hostname = ''
  c.tracer.port = 8126
  c.runtime_metrics_enabled = true
  c.service = 'billing-api'

  # Tracing settings = true
  c.tracer.partial_flush.enabled = true

  # CI settings
  c.ci_mode = (ENV['DD_ENV'] == 'ci')

  # Instrumentation
  c.use :rails
  c.use :redis, service_name: 'billing-redis'
  c.use :rspec

### New 1.0 ###
Datadog.configure do |c|
  # Global settings = ''
  c.agent.port = 8126
  c.runtime_metrics.enabled = true
  c.service = 'billing-api'

  # Tracing settings = true
  c.tracing.partial_flush.enabled = true

  # CI settings = (ENV['DD_ENV'] == 'ci')

  # Instrumentation
  c.tracing.instrument :rails
  c.tracing.instrument :redis, service_name: 'billing-redis' :rspec

Check out the table below for a list of common mappings:

0.x setting 1.0 setting
ci_mode.context_flush ci.context_flush
ci_mode.enabled ci.enabled
ci_mode.writer_options ci.writer_options
distributed_tracing tracing.distributed_tracing
logger= logger.instance=
profiling.exporter.transport_options Removed
report_hostname tracing.report_hostname
runtime_metrics_enabled runtime_metrics.enabled
runtime_metrics(options) Removed
sampling tracing.sampling
test_mode tracing.test_mode
tracer= Removed
tracer.debug diagnostics.debug
tracer.enabled tracing.enabled
tracer.env env
tracer.instance tracing.instance
tracer.log logger.instance
tracer.partial_flush tracing.partial_flush.enabled
tracer.port agent.port
tracer.sampler tracing.sampler
tracer.tags tags
tracer.transport_options tracing.transport_options
tracer.transport_options(options) Removed
tracer.writer tracing.writer
tracer.writer_options tracing.writer_options
use tracing.instrument

Activating instrumentation

  • The use function has been renamed to instrument.
  • instrument has been namespaced within the feature to which it belongs.

As an example:

### Old 0.x ###
Datadog.configure do |c|
  # Tracing instrumentation
  c.use :rails

  # CI instrumentation
  c.use :cucumber

### New 1.0 ###
Datadog.configure do |c|
  # Tracing instrumentation
  c.tracing.instrument :rails

  # CI instrumentation :cucumber

Similarly, if you were accessing configuration for instrumentation, you will need to use the appropriate namespace:

### Old 0.x ###

### New 1.0 ###


Service naming

Define an application service name

We recommend setting the application's service name with DD_SERVICE, or by adding the following configuration:

Datadog.configure do |c|
  c.service = 'billing-api' # Or DD_SERVICE. Defaults to process name.

If this is not set, it will default to the process name.

Update service names for your integrations

Spans now inherit the global service name by default, unless otherwise explicitly set. This means, generally speaking, spans generated by Datadog integrations will default to the global service name, unless the service_name setting is configured for that integration.

Spans that describe external services (e.g. mysql) will continue to default to some other name that describes the external service instead. (e.g. mysql)

### Old 0.x ###
Datadog.configure do |c|
  # Instrumentation that measures internal behavior
  c.use :rails, service_name: 'billing-api'
  c.use :resque, service_name: 'billing-api'
  c.use :sidekiq, service_name: 'billing-api'

  # Instrumentation that measures external services
  c.use :active_record, service_name: 'billing-api_mysql' # Defaults to DB type e.g. mysql
  c.use :http, service_name: 'billing-api_http' # Defaults to net/http
  c.use :redis, service_name: 'billing-api_redis' # Defaults to redis

### New 1.0 ###
Datadog.configure do |c|
  c.service = 'billing-api'

  # Instrumentation that measures internal behavior
  # now inherits the application's service name.
  c.tracing.instrument :rails
  c.tracing.instrument :resque
  c.tracing.instrument :sidekiq

  # Instrumentation that measures external services
  # defaults to adapter-specific names. You may still override
  # these names with the `service_name:` option.
  c.tracing.instrument :active_record, service_name: 'billing-api_mysql' # Defaults to DB type e.g. mysql
  c.tracing.instrument :http, service_name: 'billing-api_http' # Defaults to net/http
  c.tracing.instrument :redis, service_name: 'billing-api_redis' # Defaults to redis

Update Rails instrumentation

If your application activates and configures rails instrumentation, you will need to adjust your settings slightly.

The following options have been removed; instead, configure the underlying instrumentation directly.

0.x setting 1.0 setting
use :rails, cache_service: <SERVICE> tracing.instrument :active_support, cache_service: <SERVICE>
use :rails, controller_service: <SERVICE> tracing.instrument :action_pack, service_name: <SERVICE>
use :rails, database_service: <SERVICE> tracing.instrument :active_record, service_name: <SERVICE>
use :rails, job_service: <SERVICE> tracing.instrument :active_job, service_name: <SERVICE>
use :rails, log_injection: true tracing.log_injection = true (Is true by default.)
### Old 0.x ###
Datadog.configure do |c|
  c.use :rails, service_name: 'billing-api',
                cache_service: 'billing-api-cache',
                controller_service: 'billing-api-controllers',
                database_service: 'billing-api-db',
                job_service: 'billing-api-jobs',
                log_injection: true

### New 1.0 ###
Datadog.configure do |c|
  c.service = 'billing-api'

  c.tracing.instrument :rails
  c.tracing.instrument :active_support, cache_service: 'billing-api-cache'
  c.tracing.instrument :action_pack, service_name: 'billing-api-controllers'
  c.tracing.instrument :active_record, service_name: 'billing-api-db'
  c.tracing.instrument :active_job, service_name: 'billing-api-jobs'

Upgrading advanced usage


Many files and constants within ddtrace have been recategorized by feature. The new categorization scheme is as follows:

Feature Namespace File path
Globals Datadog ddtrace
CI Datadog::CI datadog/ci
Core (Internals) Datadog::Core datadog/core
OpenTelemetry Datadog::OpenTelemetry datadog/opentelemetry
OpenTracing Datadog::OpenTracer datadog/opentracer
Profiling Datadog::Profiling datadog/profiling
Security Datadog::AppSec datadog/appsec
Tracing Datadog::Tracing datadog/trace

As a result, if your application referenced file paths or constants affected by this change, they will need to be updated. Check out the namespace mappings for some common cases and how to update them.

Trace API

Usage of Datadog.tracer has been replaced with the Datadog::Tracing trace API. This module contains most of the functions that Datadog.tracer had, and most use cases will map one-to-one.

For example:

### Old 0.x ###

### New 1.0 ###

# ...and more...

See the table below for most common mappings:

0.x usage 1.0 usage Note
Datadog.tracer.active_correlation.to_s Datadog::Tracing.log_correlation Returns String with trace identifiers for logging.
Datadog.tracer.active_correlation Datadog::Tracing.correlation Returns Datadog::Tracing::Correlation::Identifier
Datadog.tracer.active_root_span Removed Consider Datadog::Tracing.active_trace instead.
Datadog.tracer.active_span.context.sampling_priority = Datadog::Ext::Priority::USER_KEEP Datadog::Tracing.keep! See sampling for details.
Datadog.tracer.active_span.context.sampling_priority = Datadog::Ext::Priority::USER_REJECT Datadog::Tracing.reject! See sampling for details.
Datadog.tracer.active_span.context Removed Consider Datadog::Tracing.active_trace instead.
Datadog.tracer.active_span Datadog::Tracing.active_span See trace state for details.
Datadog.tracer.call_context Removed See trace state for details.
Datadog.tracer.configure(options) Datadog.configure { |c| ... } Use configuration API instead.
Datadog.tracer.provider.context = context Datadog::Tracing.continue_trace!(digest) See distributed tracing for details.
Datadog.tracer.set_tags(tags) Datadog.configure { |c| c.tags = tags }
Datadog.tracer.shutdown! Datadog::Tracing.shutdown!
Datadog.tracer.start_span Datadog::Tracing.trace See manual tracing for details.
Datadog.tracer.trace Datadog::Tracing.trace See manual tracing for details.

Also check out the functions defined within Datadog::Tracing in our public API for more details on their usage.

Removed `Datadog.tracer`

Many of the functions accessed directly through Datadog.tracer have been moved to Datadog::Tracing instead.

Removed access to `Datadog::Context`

Direct usage of Datadog::Context has been removed. Previously, it was used to modify or access active trace state. Most use cases have been replaced by our public trace API.

Manual tracing & trace model

Manual tracing is now done through the public API.

Whereas in 0.x, the block would provide a Datadog::Span as span, in 1.0, the block provides a Datadog::Tracing::SpanOperation as span and Datadog::Tracing::TraceOperation as trace.

### Old 0.x ###
Datadog.tracer.trace('my.job') do |span|
  # Do work...
  # span => #<Datadog::Tracing::Span>

### New 1.0 ###
Datadog::Tracing.trace('my.job') do |span, trace|
  # Do work...
  # span => #<Datadog::Tracing::SpanOperation>
  # trace => #<Datadog::Tracing::TraceOperation>

The provided span is nearly identical in behavior, except access to some fields (like context) been removed. Instead, the provided trace, which models the trace itself, grants access to new functions, of which some replace old span behavior.

For more details about new behaviors and the trace model, see this pull request.

Accessing trace state

The public API provides new functions to access active trace data:

### Old 0.x ###
# Returns the active context (contains trace state)
# Returns the active Span
# Returns an immutable set of identifiers for the current trace state

### New 1.0 ###
# Returns the active TraceOperation for the current thread (contains trace state)
# Returns the active SpanOperation for the current thread (contains span state)
# Returns an immutable set of identifiers for the current trace state

Use of active_root_span has been removed.

Distributed tracing

Previously, distributed tracing required building new Datadog::Context objects, then replacing the context within the tracer.

Instead, users must use TraceDigest objects derived from a trace. TraceDigest represents the state of a trace. It can be used to propagate a trace across execution boundaries (processes, threads) or to continue a trace locally.

### Old 0.x ###
# Get trace continuation from active trace
env = {}
Datadog::HTTPPropagator.inject(Datadog.tracer.call_context, env)
context = Datadog::HTTPPropagator.extract(env)

# Continue a trace: implicit continuation
Datadog.tracer.provider.context = context

# Next trace inherits trace properties
Datadog.tracer.trace('my.job') do |span|
  span.trace_id == context.trace_id

### New 1.0 ###
# Get trace continuation from active trace
trace_digest = Datadog::Tracing.active_trace.to_digest

# Continue a trace: implicit continuation
# Digest will be "consumed" by the next `trace` operation

# Next trace inherits trace properties
Datadog::Tracing.trace('my.job') do |span, trace| == trace_digest.trace_id

# Second trace does NOT inherit trace properties
Datadog::Tracing.trace('my.job') do |span, trace| != trace_digest.trace_id

New in 1.0, it's also possible to explicitly assign a trace block to continue from a specific trace, rather than implicitly inherit an active context. This gives users fine-grained control in applications where multiple traces run concurrently in the same execution context:

### New 1.0 ###
# Get trace continuation from active trace
trace_digest = Datadog::Tracing.active_trace.to_digest

# Continue a trace: explicit continuation
# Inherits trace properties from the trace digest
Datadog::Tracing.trace('my.job', continue_from: trace_digest) do |span, trace| == trace_digest.trace_id

# Continue a trace: explicit continuation (using #continue_trace!)
Datadog::Tracing.continue_trace!(trace_digest) do
  # Traces implicitly continue within the block
  Datadog::Tracing.trace('my.job') do |span, trace| == trace_digest.trace_id


To propagate active trace to a remote service:

### Old 0.x ###
headers = {}
context = Datadog.tracer.call_context
Datadog::HTTPPropagator.inject!(context, headers)

outgoing =
headers.each { |name, value| outgoing[name] = value }

### New 1.0 ###
headers = {}
trace_digest = Datadog::Tracing.active_trace.to_digest
Datadog::Tracing::Propagation::HTTP.inject!(trace_digest, headers)

outgoing =
headers.each { |name, value| outgoing[name] = value }

To continue a trace from a remote service:

### Old 0.x ###
incoming =
context = Datadog::HTTPPropagator.extract(incoming.env)
Datadog.tracer.provider.context = context

### New 1.0 ###
incoming =
trace_digest = Datadog::Tracing::Propagation::HTTP.extract(incoming.env)

Over gRPC

To propagate active trace to a remote service:

### Old 0.x ###
context = Datadog.tracer.call_context
Datadog::GRPCPropagator.inject!(context, metadata)

### New 1.0 ###
trace_digest = Datadog::Tracing.active_trace.to_digest
Datadog::Tracing::Propagation::GRPC.inject!(trace_digest, metadata)

To continue a trace from a remote service:

### Old 0.x ###
context = Datadog::GRPCPropagator.extract(metadata)
Datadog.tracer.provider.context = context

### New 1.0 ###
trace_digest = Datadog::Tracing::Propagation::GRPC.extract(metadata)

Between threads

Traces do not implicitly propagate across threads, as they are considered different execution contexts.

However, if you wish to do this, trace propagation across threads is similar to cross-process. A TraceDigest should be produced by the parent thread and consumed by the child thread.

NOTE: The same TraceOperation object should never be shared between threads; this would create race conditions.

### New 1.0 ###
# Get trace digest
trace = Datadog::Tracing.active_trace

# NOTE: We must produce the digest BEFORE starting the thread.
#       Otherwise if it's lazily evaluated within the thread,
#       the thread's trace may follow the wrong parent span.
trace_digest = trace.to_digest do
  # Inherits trace properties from the trace digest
  Datadog::Tracing.trace('my.job', continue_from: trace_digest) do |span, trace| == trace_digest.trace_id


Accessing call_context to set explicit sampling has been removed.

Instead, use the TraceOperation to set the sampling decision.

### Old 0.x ###
# From within the trace:
Datadog.tracer.trace('web.request') do |span|
  span.context.sampling_priority = Datadog::Ext::Priority::USER_REJECT if env.path == '/healthcheck'

# From outside the trace:
# Keeps current trace
Datadog.tracer.active_span.context.sampling_priority = Datadog::Ext::Priority::USER_KEEP
# Drops current trace
Datadog.tracer.active_span.context.sampling_priority = Datadog::Ext::Priority::USER_REJECT

### New 1.0 ###
# From within the trace:
Datadog::Tracing.trace('web.request') do |span, trace|
  trace.reject! if env.path == '/healthcheck'

# From outside the trace:
Datadog::Tracing.keep! # Keeps current trace
Datadog::Tracing.reject! # Drops current trace

Processing pipeline

When using a trace processor in the processing pipeline, the block provides a TraceSegment as trace (instead of Array[Datadog::Span].) This object can be directly mutated.

### Old 0.x ###
Datadog::Pipeline.before_flush do |trace|
  # Processing logic...
  trace # => Array[Datadog::Span]

### New 1.0 ###
Datadog::Tracing.before_flush do |trace|
   # Processing logic...
   trace # => #<Datadog::Tracing::TraceSegment>


Namespace mappings


0.x Constant 1.0 Constant
Datadog::AllSampler Datadog::Tracing::Sampling::AllSampler
Datadog::Buffer Datadog::Core::Buffer::Random
Datadog::Chunker Datadog::Core::Chunker
Datadog::Configuration Datadog::Core::Configuration
Datadog::ContextFlush Datadog::Tracing::Flush
Datadog::CRubyBuffer Datadog::Core::Buffer::CRuby
Datadog::Diagnostics Datadog::Core::Diagnostics
Datadog::DistributedTracing Datadog::Tracing::Distributed
Datadog::Encoding Datadog::Core::Encoding
Datadog::Error Datadog::Core::Error
Datadog::Ext::Analytics::ENV_TRACE_ANALYTICS_ENABLED Datadog::Tracing::Configuration::Ext::Analytics::ENV_TRACE_ANALYTICS_ENABLED
Datadog::Ext::Analytics Datadog::Tracing::Metadata::Ext::Analytics
Datadog::Ext::AppTypes Datadog::Tracing::Metadata::Ext::AppTypes
Datadog::Ext::Correlation::ENV_LOGS_INJECTION_ENABLED Datadog::Tracing::Configuration::Ext::Correlation::ENV_LOGS_INJECTION_ENABLED
Datadog::Ext::Correlation Datadog::Tracing::Correlation::Identifier
Datadog::Ext::Diagnostics Datadog::Core::Diagnostics::Ext
Datadog::Ext::Distributed::ENV_PROPAGATION_STYLE_EXTRACT Datadog::Tracing::Configuration::Ext::Distributed::ENV_PROPAGATION_STYLE_EXTRACT
Datadog::Ext::Distributed::ENV_PROPAGATION_STYLE_INJECT Datadog::Tracing::Configuration::Ext::Distributed::ENV_PROPAGATION_STYLE_INJECT
Datadog::Ext::Distributed::PROPAGATION_STYLE_B3_SINGLE_HEADER Datadog::Tracing::Configuration::Ext::Distributed::PROPAGATION_STYLE_B3_SINGLE_HEADER
Datadog::Ext::Distributed::PROPAGATION_STYLE_B3 Datadog::Tracing::Configuration::Ext::Distributed::PROPAGATION_STYLE_B3
Datadog::Ext::Distributed::PROPAGATION_STYLE_DATADOG Datadog::Tracing::Configuration::Ext::Distributed::PROPAGATION_STYLE_DATADOG
Datadog::Ext::Distributed Datadog::Tracing::Metadata::Ext::Distributed
Datadog::Ext::DistributedTracing::TAG_ORIGIN Datadog::Tracing::Metadata::Ext::Distributed::TAG_ORIGIN
Datadog::Ext::DistributedTracing::TAG_SAMPLING_PRIORITY Datadog::Tracing::Metadata::Ext::Distributed::TAG_SAMPLING_PRIORITY
Datadog::Ext::DistributedTracing Datadog::Tracing::Distributed::Headers::Ext
Datadog::Ext::Environment Datadog::Core::Environment::Ext
Datadog::Ext::Errors Datadog::Tracing::Metadata::Ext::Errors
Datadog::Ext::Git Datadog::Core::Git::Ext
Datadog::Ext::HTTP Datadog::Tracing::Metadata::Ext::HTTP
Datadog::Ext::Integration Datadog::Tracing::Metadata::Ext
Datadog::Ext::NET::ENV_REPORT_HOSTNAME Datadog::Tracing::Configuration::Ext::NET::ENV_REPORT_HOSTNAME
Datadog::Ext::NET Datadog::Tracing::Metadata::Ext::NET
Datadog::Ext::Priority Datadog::Tracing::Sampling::Ext::Priority
Datadog::Ext::Runtime Datadog::Core::Runtime::Ext
Datadog::Ext::Sampling::ENV_RATE_LIMIT Datadog::Tracing::Configuration::Ext::Sampling::ENV_RATE_LIMIT
Datadog::Ext::Sampling::ENV_SAMPLE_RATE Datadog::Tracing::Configuration::Ext::Sampling::ENV_SAMPLE_RATE
Datadog::Ext::Sampling Datadog::Tracing::Metadata::Ext::Sampling
Datadog::Ext::SQL Datadog::Tracing::Metadata::Ext::SQL
Datadog::Ext::Test Datadog::Tracing::Configuration::Ext::Test
Datadog::Ext::Transport::HTTP::ENV_DEFAULT_HOST Datadog::Core::Configuration::Ext::Transport::ENV_DEFAULT_HOST
Datadog::Ext::Transport::HTTP::ENV_DEFAULT_PORT Datadog::Tracing::Configuration::Ext::Transport::ENV_DEFAULT_PORT
Datadog::Ext::Transport::HTTP::ENV_DEFAULT_URL Datadog::Tracing::Configuration::Ext::Transport::ENV_DEFAULT_URL
Datadog::Ext::Transport Datadog::Transport::Ext
Datadog::GRPCPropagator Datadog::Tracing::Propagation::GRPC
Datadog::HTTPPropagator Datadog::Tracing::Propagation::HTTP
Datadog::Logger Datadog::Core::Logger
Datadog::Metrics Datadog::Core::Metrics::Client
Datadog::PrioritySampler Datadog::Tracing::Sampling::PrioritySampler
Datadog::Quantization Datadog::Contrib::Utils::Quantization
Datadog::RateByKeySampler Datadog::Tracing::Sampling::RateByKeySampler
Datadog::RateByServiceSampler Datadog::Tracing::Sampling::RateByServiceSampler
Datadog::RateSampler Datadog::Tracing::Sampling::RateSampler
Datadog::Runtime Datadog::Core::Runtime
Datadog::Sampler Datadog::Tracing::Sampling::Sampler
Datadog::Tagging::Analytics Datadog::Tracing::Metadata::Analytics
Datadog::Tagging::Metadata Datadog::Tracing::Metadata::Tagging
Datadog::ThreadSafeBuffer Datadog::Core::Buffer::ThreadSafe
Datadog::Utils Datadog::Core::Utils
Datadog::Vendor::ActiveRecord Datadog::Contrib::ActiveRecord::Vendor
Datadog::Vendor::Multipart Datadog::Core::Vendor::Multipart
Datadog::Worker Datadog::Core::Worker
Datadog::Workers Datadog::Core::Workers

Breaking changes

Category Type Description Change / Alternative
General Changed Many constants have been moved from Datadog to Datadog::Core, Datadog::Tracing Update your references to these new namespaces where appropriate.
General Changed Some require paths have been moved from ddtrace to datadog Update your references to these new paths where appropriate.
General Removed Support for trace agent API v0.2 Use v0.4 instead (default behavior.)
General Removed Datadog.configure can no longer be called without a block Remove uses of Datadog.configure without a block.
CI API Changed DD_TRACE_CI_MODE_ENABLED environment variable is now DD_TRACE_CI_ENABLED Use DD_TRACE_CI_ENABLED instead.
Configuration Changed Many settings have been namespaced under specific categories Update your configuration to these new settings where appropriate.
Configuration Removed Datadog.configure(client, options) Use Datadog.configure_onto(client, options) instead.
Configuration Removed DD_#{integration}_ANALYTICS_ENABLED and DD_#{integration}_ANALYTICS_SAMPLE_RATE environment variables Use DD_TRACE_#{integration}_ANALYTICS_ENABLED and DD_TRACE_#{integration}_ANALYTICS_SAMPLE_RATE instead.
Integrations Changed - in HTTP header tag names are kept, and no longer replaced with _ For example: http.response.headers.content_type is changed to http.response.headers.content-type.
Integrations Changed Contrib::Configurable#default_configuration moved to Tracing::Contrib::Configurable#new_configuration Use Tracing::Contrib::Configurable#new_configuration instead.
Integrations Changed Datadog.configuration.registry moved to Datadog.registry Use Datadog.registry instead.
Integrations Changed service_name option from each integration uses the default service name, unless it represents an external service Set c.service or DD_SERVICE, and remove service_name option from integration to inherit default service name. Set service_name option on integration to override.
Integrations Removed tracer integration option from all integrations Remove this option from your configuration.
Integrations - ActiveJob Removed log_injection option Use c.tracing.log_injection instead.
Integrations - ActiveModelSerializers Removed service_name configuration Remove this option from your configuration.
Integrations - ConcurrentRuby Removed unused option service_name Remove this option from your configuration.
Integrations - Presto Changed tag now contains only client hostname. Before it contained "#{hostname}:#{port}".
Integrations - Rails Changed service_name does not propagate to sub-components (e.g. c.use :rails, cache_service: 'my-cache') Use c.service instead.
Integrations - Rails Changed Sub-components service_name options are now consistently called :service_name Update your configuration to use :service_name.
Integrations - Rails Changed Trace-logging correlation is enabled by default Can be disabled using the environment variable DD_LOGS_INJECTION=false.
Integrations - Rails Removed log_injection option. Use global c.tracing.log_injection instead.
Integrations - Rails Removed orm_service_name option. Remove this option from your configuration.
Integrations - Rails Removed 3.0 and 3.1 support. Not supported.
Integrations - Resque Removed workers option. (All Resque workers are now automatically instrumented.) Remove this option from your configuration.
Tracing API Changed Correlation#to_s to Correlation#to_log_format Use Datadog::Tracing.log_correlation instead.
Tracing API Changed Tracer#trace implements keyword args Omit invalid options from trace calls.
Tracing API Changed Distributed tracing takes and returns TraceDigest instead of Context Update your usage of distributed tracing to use continue_from and to_digest.
Tracing API Changed Rules for RuleSampler now return TraceOperation instead of Span Update Rule sampler usage to use TraceOperation.
Tracing API Changed Trace processors return TraceSegment instead of Array[Span] Update pipeline callbacks to use `TraceSegment instead.
Tracing API Removed child_of: option from Tracer#trace Not supported.
Tracing API Removed Datadog.tracer Use methods in Datadog::Tracing instead.
Tracing API Removed Pin.get_from(client) Use Datadog::Tracing.configure_for(client) instead.
Tracing API Removed, config: { option: value }).onto(client) Use Datadog.configure_onto(client, service_name: service, option: value) instead.
Tracing API Removed Pipeline.before_flush Use Datadog::Tracing.before_flush instead.
Tracing API Removed SpanOperation#context Use Datadog::Tracing.active_trace instead.
Tracing API Removed SpanOperation#parent/SpanOperation#parent= Not supported.
Tracing API Removed SpanOperation#sampled Use Datadog::Tracing::TraceOperation#sampled? instead.
Tracing API Removed Tracer#active_correlation.to_log_format Use Datadog::Tracing.log_correlation instead.
Tracing API Removed Tracer#active_correlation Use Datadog::Tracing.correlation instead.
Tracing API Removed Tracer#active_root_span Use Datadog::Tracing.active_trace instead.
Tracing API Removed Tracer#build_span Use Datadog::Tracing.trace instead.
Tracing API Removed Tracer#call_context Use Datadog::Tracing.active_trace instead.
Tracing API Removed Tracer#configure Not supported.
Tracing API Removed Tracer#services Not supported.
Tracing API Removed Tracer#set_service_info Not supported.
Tracing API Removed Tracer#start_span Use Datadog::Tracing.trace instead.
Tracing API Removed Writer#write and SyncWriter#write services argument Not supported.