- Provision an EKS Cluster (AWS)
- Automate Monitoring with the Terraform Datadog Provider
- DataDog/ecommerce-workshop
To run this workshop code you will need the following:
- A datadog learning center account Free Account
- An AWS account to install a Kubernetes cluster (EKS) - Provided within the Datadog learning center lab.
- A Datadog account - Provided within the Datadog learning center lab.
- A HashiCorp Cloud Platform account
- A github account
- Fork this repository
Each folder contains does something different.
aws-eks/: Terraform configuration to define a three node cluster in EKS.
storedog-app/: Terraform configuration to do the following:
- Deploy an eCommerce application called Storedog with a Load Balancer
- Deploy Datadog Agent on EKS cluster via helm
- Deploy Datadog AWS Intergration & associated IAM policies.
datadog-resources/: Terraform configuration to:
- Create dashboards in Datadog
- Create synthetic tests in Datadog
- Create monitors in Datadog
Proceed to the Datadog learning center and look for our lab Introduction to monitoring AWS with Datadog & HashiCorp Cloud Platform
All steps for the lab are contained there.