✅ Inspect the videos-by-tag.csv
file that we will import into a new table:
cat /workspace/ds201-lab03/data-files/videos-by-tag.csv
Notice how this CSV file categorizes the videos using tags: datastax
, cassandra
, and cql
✅ Start cqlsh again and switch to the killrvideo keyspace:
USE killrvideo;
✅ Create a new table with name videos_by_tag
that can store data from file videos_by_tag.csv, such that we get one partition for every tag and each partition can have multiple rows with videos.
CREATE TABLE videos_by_tag (
tag TEXT,
video_id TIMEUUID,
added_date TIMESTAMP,
title TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY ((tag), video_id)
✅ Use the COPY command to import the videos-by-tag.csv
data into your new table:
COPY videos_by_tag (tag, video_id, added_date, title)
FROM '/workspace/ds201-lab03/data-files/videos-by-tag.csv'
✅ Retrieve all rows from table videos_by_tag and verify that you get 5 rows as expected.
If the table only has 2 rows instead of 5, make sure that the table primary key has enough columns so that it can uniquely identify each row.
You can always execute DROP TABLE videos_by_tag;
and go back to the previous steps to make any necessary corrections.
SELECT * FROM videos_by_tag;