In this portion of the exercise, you will create a table that supports queries like this one.
SELECT tag, video_id, added_date, title
FROM latest_videos_by_tag
WHERE tag = 'cassandra'
ORDER BY added_date DESC;
Rows will be grouped by tag and ordered by added_date. You will need to use video_id as part of the primary key to ensure uniqueness.
✅ Create the table:
CREATE TABLE latest_videos_by_tag (
tag TEXT,
video_id TIMEUUID,
added_date TIMESTAMP,
title TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY ((tag), added_date, video_id)
) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (added_date DESC, video_id ASC);
✅ Import videos-by-tag.csv
into the new table:
COPY latest_videos_by_tag(tag, video_id, added_date, title)
FROM '/workspace/ds201-lab04/data-files/videos-by-tag.csv'
✅ Retrieve all the rowa from latest_videos_by_tag:
SELECT * FROM latest_videos_by_tag;
Verify that you get 4 rows as expected.
The rows should be grouped by a tag and, within each partition, ordered in descending order of an added date.
✅ Execute the original CQL query that table latest_videos_by_tag was designed for:
SELECT tag, video_id, added_date, title
FROM latest_videos_by_tag
WHERE tag = 'cassandra'
ORDER BY added_date DESC;
✅ Change the original query below to return the cassandra videos added after 2013-02-01:
SELECT tag, video_id, added_date, title
FROM latest_videos_by_tag
WHERE tag = 'cassandra' AND
added_date > '2013-02-01'
ORDER BY added_date DESC;
✅ Change the original query below to return the oldest cassandra video from the table. Use LIMIT 1
to return only the first video in a result set:
SELECT tag, video_id, added_date, title
FROM latest_videos_by_tag
WHERE tag = 'cassandra'
ORDER BY added_date ASC