title | description | image | layout |
Book of the Week |
Book of the week at DataTalks.Club. Let's talk about books! |
images/cover.jpg |
page |
Each week we have a book author coming to DataTalks.Club to answer your questions about their book and, in general, about the topic of their book.
- Register on DataTalks.Club{:target="_blank"}
- Join the
channel in our Slack - Ask as many questions as you'd like
- The book authors answer questions from Monday till Thursday
- On Friday, the authors decide who wins free copies of their book
{% assign upcoming = site.books | where_exp: "book", "book.end > site.time" | sort: 'end' %}
{% for book in upcoming %}
{% include book.html book=book %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign past = site.books | where_exp: "book", "book.end < site.time" | sort: 'end' | reverse %}
{% for book in past %}
- {{ book.title }} by {% include authors.html authors=book.authors %} (from {{ book.start | date_to_string }} to {{ book.end | date_to_string }}) {% endfor %}