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David Arno edited this page Jun 19, 2015 · 34 revisions


Discriminated unions, pattern matching and functional composition for C#

Current release: v1.0.0

Release Notes

This is the initial release.


Discriminated Unions

Succinc<T> provides a set of union types (Union<T1,T2> through to Union<T1,T2,T3,T4>) where an instance will hold exactly one value of one of the specified types. In addition, it provides the likes of Option<T> that can have the value Some<T> or None.

Succinc<T> uses Option<T> to provide replacements for the .NET basic types' TryParse() methods and Enum.Parse(). In all cases, these are extension methods to string and they return Some<T> on a successful parse and None when the string is not a valid value for that type. No more out parameters!

Pattern Matching

Succinc<T> can pattern match values, unions etc in a way similar to F#'s pattern matching features. It uses a fluent syntax to achieve this. Some examples of its abilities:

    public static void PrintColorName(Color color)
             .With(Color.Red).Do(x => Console.WriteLine("Red"))
             .With(Color.Green).Do(x => Console.WriteLine("Green"))
             .With(Color.Blue).Do(x => Console.WriteLine("Blue"))

    public static string SinglePositiveOddDigitReporter(Option<int> data)
        return data.Match<string>()
                   .Some().Of(0).Do(x => "0 isn't positive or negative")
                   .Some().Where(x => x == 1 || x == 3 || x == 5 || x == 7 || x == 9).Do(x => x.ToString())
                   .Some().Where(x => x > 9).Do(x => string.Format("{0} isn't 1 digit", x))
                   .Some().Where(x => x < 0).Do(i => string.Format("{0} isn't positive", i))
                   .Some().Do(x => string.Format("{0} isn't odd", x))
                   .None().Do(() => string.Format("There was no value"))

See the Succinc<T> pattern matching guide for more details.

Functional Composition

Succinc<T> supports functional composition. A parameter can be supplied to a mnulti-parameter method and a new function will be returned that takes the remaining parameters. For example:

    Func<int,int> times = (p1, p2) => p1 * p2;
    var times8 = times.Compose(8);
    var result = times8(9); // <- result == 72


The following types are defined by Succinc<T>. Links will appear as the pages for each one gets written.

  • Option
  • Union<T1,T2>
  • Union<T1,T2,T3>
  • Union<T1,T2,T3,T4>
  • ValueOrError