Deleted branch
Bump mongoose from 8.8.3 to 8.9.5 (#289)
Bump mongoose from 8.8.3 to 8.9.5 (#289)
Pull request merge
Bump mongoose from 8.8.3 to 8.9.5
Bump mongoose from 8.8.3 to 8.9.5
Deleted branch
Bump path-to-regexp and express (#288)
Bump path-to-regexp and express (#288)
Pull request merge
Deleted branch
Bump cookie and (#286)
Bump cookie and (#286)
Pull request merge
Bump path-to-regexp and express
Bump path-to-regexp and express
Deleted branch
Bump mongoose from 8.7.1 to 8.8.3 (#287)
Bump mongoose from 8.7.1 to 8.8.3 (#287)
Pull request merge
Bump mongoose from 8.7.1 to 8.8.3
Bump mongoose from 8.7.1 to 8.8.3
Bump cookie and
Bump cookie and
Deleted branch
chore(deps): update express, mongoose, eslint
chore(deps): update express, mongoose, eslint
Bump cookie, express and
Bump cookie, express and
Remove type any in BaseCtrl in favor of generic class (#284)
Remove type any in BaseCtrl in favor of generic class (#284)
Pull request merge
Deleted branch
Deleted branch
Deleted branch
chore(deps): update deps express, mongoose, concurrently, eslint, hus…
chore(deps): update deps express, mongoose, concurrently, eslint, hus…
Bump body-parser and express
Bump body-parser and express
Bump send and express
Bump send and express
Bump serve-static and express
Bump serve-static and express
fix: backend not running correctly
fix: backend not running correctly
adapt tsconfig to angular v18
adapt tsconfig to angular v18
chore(deps): add husky and pre-commit hook to lint and build
chore(deps): add husky and pre-commit hook to lint and build
Deleted branch
Deleted branch
Upgrade to Angular v18 (#279)
Upgrade to Angular v18 (#279)
Pull request merge
Update other deps
Update other deps