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  1. 自我介绍

    2021 接触 Solidity,从合约到全端完成了 3 个 NFT 项目,ex-Tech lead 链游

  2. 你认为你会完成本次残酷学习吗?




Chapter 1: Introduction

  • Solidity is a programming language for Smart Contract development on EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine).
  • Remix is a browser-based IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for Solidity development, it have file management, compiler, deployment, interaction and various plugins available.
  • A Solidity Smart Contract consists of 3 parts: License type, Solidity version and contract logics.

Chapter 2: Variables

  • 3 types of Variable: Value, Reference and Mapping

  • Value types:

    • bool Boolean
    • uint Unsigned integer
    • int Signed integer
    • address Address
    • bytes Variable-length bytes arrays
    • byte Fixed-length byt arrays
    • enum Enumeration

Chapter 3: Function

Format of a function

function <function name>(<parameter types>) [public|private|external|internal] [pure|view|payable] [returns (<return types>)]

  • Function visibility specifiers

    • public: Accessible to all
    • private: Can only be called within this contract
    • internal: Can be called within this contract and contracts deriving from it
    • external: Can only be called by external
  • Function behavior specifiers

    • pure: Cannot read or write state
    • view: Read only, doesn't change state
    • payable: Allow this function to receive native currency

Chapter 4: Function output

function testReturn() public pure returns (uint256) {
  return 1;
  • returns: to indicate how many and what type of variable for output
  • return: to output the desired value, and must matched to the returns requirements
  • Named returns: Naming the output variables, eg:
    function testReturn() public pure returns (uint256 one, uint256 two) {
     one = 1;
     two = 2;
  • To READ variables return from function
    (uint256 one, uint256 two) = testReturn();
    (, uint256 two) = testReturn();


Chapter 5: Data Storage and Scope

  • Data storage location:

    • storage: All state variables are storage by default, which are stored on-chain and consumes a lot of gas

      • storage can use to create as reference to a local variable, eg:
      uint256[] public x = [1,2,3]; // State variable
      functiuon refStorage() public {
        uint256[] storage ref = x;
        ref[0] = 0; // x's value resulted as: [0,2,3]
    • memory: Variables temporarily stored in memory, for computation, consumes less gas

      • memory will create an in-memory reference that doesn't affect storage, eg:
      uint256[] public x = [1,2,3]; // State variable
      functiuon refStorage() public view {
        uint256[] memory ref = x;
        ref[0] = 0; // x's value remain unchanged: [1,2,3]
    • calldata: Variables stored in memory but cannot be modified, generally used for function parameters.

  • Variable scope

    • State variables: Delcared inside contract and outside the function
    contract Variables {
     uint256 public x = 1;
    • Local variables: Variables inside the function, only valid during function execution
    function local() public pure {
     uint256 x = 1;
    • Global variables: Reserved keywords in Solidity
      • msg.sender: Transaction sender
      • block.number: Current block height
      • Transaction calldata
      • blockhash(uint blockNumber): Hash of given block
      • block.coinbase: The address of current block miner
      • block.gaslimit: The gas limit of current block
      • block.number: Current block number
      • block.timestamp: The timestamp of current block
      • gasleft(): Remaining gas
      • msg.sig: First four bytes of calldata, i.e: function identifier
      • msg.value: Amount of wei in the transaction

Chapter 6: Array & Struct

  • Reference type variables:

    • array
    uint256[] public x = [1,2,3];
    • struct
    struct Book {
       uint256 id;
       string title;
    • mapping
  • Array

    • Fixed-size arrays: Length of array specified during declaration uint256[3] public x = [1,2,3];
    • Variable-length array: Length of array is not specified during declaration
    uint256[] public x;
    bytes public b;
  • Rules for creating arrays

    • For memory array, it must created with new operator, the length fixed during creatioin and cannot be changed:
    uint256[] memory x = new uint256[](3);
    • The type of first element in the array literal can be declared, otherwise the smallest storage type is used by default
    [uint(1), 2, 3]
    [1,2,3] // Default use uint8
    • Value of array assign one by one
    x[0] = 1;
  • Features

    • length
    • push(): add 0 at the end of the array
    • push(x): add x element at the end of the array
    • pop(): Remove the last element from the array
  • Struct

    • Elements of struct can be primitive types or references types
    • struct can be the element for array and mapping
    • Ways to assign values to struct:
      • Method 1: Create a storage struct reference in the function
      function setBook() external {
        Book storage _book = book; = 1;
        _book.title = "Solidity Ascademy";
      • Method 2: Directly refer to struct of state variable
      function setBook() external { = 1;
        book.title = "Solidity Academy";
      • Method 3: struct constructor
      function setBook() external {
        book = Book(1, "Solidity Academy");
      • Method 4: Key value
      function setBook() external {
        book = Book({id: 1, title: "Solidity Academy"});

Chapter 7: Mapping

  • Mapping
    mapping(_KeyType => _ValueType)
    mapping(address => uint256) public balances; // Store balances of addresses
    • Rules of creating mapping
      • Rule 1: _keyType cannot be a custom struct, _ValueType can
      • Rule 2: Must be stored in storage, but it can't be used as variable in function or as return result
      • Rule 3: mappi ng declared as public will have a getter to query the value with key
      • Rule 4: Adding a key-value pair to a mapping is var[newKey] = value
    • Principle of mapping
      • Doesn't store Key or length information
      • Use keccak256(abi.encodePacked(key, slot)) as offset to access value, where slot is the slot location where the mapping variable is defined
      • EVM define all unused space as 0, the key of unassigned value will be 0


Chapter 8: Default Value

  • Variables declared but not assigned have their default value:
    • boolean: false
    • string: ""
    • int: 0
    • uint: 0
    • enum: first element in enumeration
    • address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Zero address
    • Dynamic array: []
    • Fixed-sized array uint256[3]: [0,0,0]
  • delete operator
    • Reset the variable to default value

Chapter 9: Constant and Immutable

  • constant variable

    • Value must be initialized during declaration and cannot be changed afterwards
    uint256 constant QUANTITY = 10000;
  • immutable variable

    • Value can be initialized during declaration or in the constructor
    uint256 public immutable QUANTITY = 10000;
    • It can be initialized with global variable or function too
    constructor() {
     QUANTITY = block.number;
     QUANTITY = initQty();
    function initQty() public pure returns (uint256 qty) {
     qty = 1000;

Chapter 10: Control Flow

  • if else
function test() public pure returns (bool) {
  if (block.timestamp > block.number) {
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;
  • for loop
function test() public pure returns (uint256) {
  uint256 num = 0;
  for(uint256 i; i < 10; i++) {
    num += i;
  return num;
  • while loop function test() public pure returns (uint256) { uint256 num = 0; while(num < 10) { num += 1; } return num; }
  • do while loop
function test() public pure returns (uint256) {
  uint256 num = 0;
  do {
    num += 1;
  } while(i < 10);
  return num;
  • Conditional operator
function test() public pure returns (uint256) {
  return block.timestamp >= block.number ? 1 : 0;
  • continue: enter next loop
  • break: break out from current loop


Chapter 11: Constructor & Modifier

  • constructor

    • A special function, automatically run once during contract deployment.
    • Usually use to initialize parameters of a contract
    address owner;
    constructor() {
     owner = msg.sender;
    • Notes: Solidity before 0.4.22, the constructor keyword are the name as the contract name.
  • modifier

    • Used to declare dedicated propoerties of functions and reduce code redundancy
    • A modifier to restrict the function can only be called by owner:
    modifier onlyOwner {
     require(msg.sender == owner);
    function changeOwner(address _newOwner) external onlyOwner {
     owner = _newOwner;


Chapter 12: Events

  • event
    • Transaction logs stored by EVM
    event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount);
    • Characteristics:
      • Responsive: Applications can subscribe and listen to events through RPC and take action accordingly
      • Economical: Store data in events is cheap (2,000 gas) each, store a new variable on-chain cost 20,000 gas
    • indexed keyword marked to be stored at a special data structure known as topics and can easily queried by application
    • Non-indexed parameters will be stored in the data section of the log, can be larger size and more complex data structures
    • How to emit events
    function transfer(address _from, address _to, uint256 _amount) external {
     emit Transfer(_from, _to, _amount);
    • Topics
      • Used to describe events
      • Each event contains a maximum of 4 topics
      • The first topic is the event hash, calculated as follows:
      // 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef


Chapter 13: Inheritance

  • Rules

    • virtual: Added if the functions of parent contract are expected/required to be overridden by children contract
    • override: Added if the function of children contract wanted to override parent's function
    • virtual override: Added if the function is overriding it parent's function and expect to be overriden by child contract
    • public variable with override will also override it's getter function
    mapping(address => uint256) public override balanceOf;

Simple inheritance

contract Bird {
  event Log(string action);

  function fly() public virtual {
    emit Log("Fly");

  function bird() public virtual {
    emit Log("Bird");

contract Rooster is Bird {
  function fly() public virtual override {
    emit Log("Jump");

  function attack() public virtual {
    emit Log("Attack");
  • Bird contract have 2 functions, fly and bird and 1 event Log
  • Although Rooster only have 2 function written fly and attack, due to inherit of Bird, Rooster have also bird function, and override the fly function which logging "Jump".

Multiple inheritance

  • Rules:
    • Parent contract should be ordered by seniority, eg: contract Chick is Bird, Rooster
    • If a function existed in multiple parent contracts, child contract required to override it too
    function fly() public virtual override(Bird, Rooster) // Chick contract

Inheritance of modifiers

contract Bird {
  modifier onlyOwner() virtual {
    require(msg.sender == owner);

contract Rooster is Bird{
  function feed() public onlyOwner() pure {
  • Rooster can use onlyOwner modifier because it inherit of Bird
modifier onlyOwner() override {
 require(msg.sender != owner);
  • Rooster override the onlyOwner modifier

Inheritance of constructors

abstract contract Bird {
  uint256 public height;

  constructor(uint256 _height) {
    height = _height;
  • Child contract to inherit the constructor of parent contract
contract Rooster is Bird {
  constructor(uint256 \_height) Bird(\_height){}

Calling parent's function

  • Direct calling
function attack() public virtual {;
  • With super keyword
function attack() public virtual {;
  • Using super will call the nearest inheritance function. If call in Chick contract, due to the nature of order, it will call Rooster's fly function but not Bird

Diamond inheritance

  • A contract inheriting two or more parent contracts
  • Using super keyword on diamond inheritance chain, it will call the relevant function of each contract in the inheritance chain, not just nearest parent contract
     /  \
Rooster Hen
     \  /

contract Bird {
  event Log(string action);

  function fly() public virtual {
    emit Log("Bird is flying");

contract Rooster is Bird {
  function fly() public virtual override {
    emit Log("Rooster is flying");

contract Hen is Bird {
  function fly() public virtual override {
    emit Log("Hen is flying");

contract Chick is Rooster, Hen {
  function fly() public virtual override {;
  • Calling the fly function in Chick will also trigger Hen, Rooster and Bird's fly()


Chapter 14: Abstract and Interface

  • Abstract Contract

    • A special contract where it contain at least one unimplemented function, and the function must labeled with virtual
    abstract contract SomeIdea {
     function someFeature(bytes calldata _data) public pure virtual returns (bool);
  • Interface Contract

    • Rules:
      • Cannot contain state variables
      • Cannot contain constructor
      • Cannot inherit non-interface contracts
      • All functions must be external and no content within it
      • Contracts that inherit it must have all functions implemented
    • Why implement interface?
      • It provide bytes4 selector for each function in the contract, and the function signatures (function name and parameters)
      • It provide interface id
    • Equivalent to contract ABI (Application Binary Interface), can be converted to each other
    interface IERC20 {
     event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount);
     function balanceOf(address who) external view return (uint256);
    • Implementing interface can let contract interact with it without knowing it detail
    contract Staking {
      IERC20 someToken = IERC20(0x1234....1234);
      function checkBalanceBeforeStake(uint256 _address) external {
        if(someToken.balanceOf(_address) < minimumStake) {
          // do something

Chapter 15: Errors

  • error & revert

    • New feature introduce in Solidity 0.8
    • Recommended way to throw error
    error InsufficientBalance(address who);
    function checkBalance(address _who) external {
      if(balanceOf(_who) == 0) revert InsufficientBalance(_who);
  • require

    • Error handling prior to Solidity 0.8
    • Cost higher gas
    function checkBalance(address _who) external {
      require(balanceOf(_who) == 0, "InsufficientBalance");
  • assert

    • Conditional statement, usually used for debugging purpose as it doesn't return error
    function checkBalance(address _who) external {
      assert(balanceOf(_who) > 0);

End of WTF Solidity 101










