So far you have built small sites in short periods of time. Your plans have been pretty complete and you were (mostly) able to build exactly what you planned. This is not reality!
In real development projects you will constantly need to adapt your plans as you go. There are many reasons for this, and many of them are out of your control: The client may ask for something different, you may realize something is much more difficult than you thought, a colleague may fall ill.
In this lesson you will hear from your coaches about times they have had to change plans mid-project, and will get begin developing a larger website of your own.
- 20 min: Review and Q/A
- 30 min: Discuss the challenges of planning larger software projects, and how
to successfully adapt your plans when necessary
- Ask many questions to learn from your coaches' experience!
- 10 min: Form random groups and study the
HackYourFuture Belgium home page together:
- Who is this website for? (User Personas)
- Why are they visiting it? (User Stories)
- Which interactions are most meaningful for them? (Prioritized Backlog)
- 30 min: In your groups write down some ideas for:
- User Personas
- User Stories
- A Prioritized Backlog
- 20 min: Get back together as a class:
- each group will quickly present what they wrote and take any questions
- full-class discussion
- 10 min: Recap
70 min: Go directly to your small groups and begin preparing for the week's deliverable. You should try to complete:
- Repository Setup
- Project Definition
- Constraints
- Communication Plan
And have a first-draft for:
- User Personas
- Backlog
- Prioritized Design
20 min: Regroup and have each group give a quick presentation:
- how far did you make it?
- what went well?
- what went less well?
- any tips to share?
In your groups, try to complete the HYF Re-Design deliverable. If you are not able to complete everything that's ok! You should still complete a Retrospective and move your issue to Ready for Review before the next class.