Explore how to develop HTML/CSS websites as a group. You will go through the steps in planning-and-collaborating to prepare for the All About Trees project.
- What is Agile?
- Retrospective Academy:
intro & chapter 1
- Being agile is about learning from mistakes and constantly improving, all the details exist to make that possible
- The most important part of an agile project is the retrospective, it's when you learn from your mistakes and make better plans for the future
- During this module, your group's retrospective will be the most important deliverable!
- Take a first look through the steps in planning-and-collaborating
- 20 min: Review and Q/A
- 45 min: Discuss agile development & retrospectives as a class
- Ask many questions to learn from your coaches' experience!
- 30 min: Create random small groups and read through planning-and-collaborating
- 25 min: all together:
- Each group presents what was most unexpected for them
- Q/A with the coaches
- 10 min: All together, read through the All About Trees
- 60 min: Return to your small groups and begin working on this week's
deliverable with the help of your coaches. Your group should try to complete:
- Repository Setup
- Project Definition
- Constraints
- Communication Plan
- 20 min: Recap from each group and Q/A
- how far did you make it?
- what went well?
- what went less well?
- any tips to share?
In your groups, try to complete the All About Trees deliverable. If you are not able to complete everything that's ok! You should still complete a Retrospective and move your issue to Ready for Review before the next class.