- Coding Nomad - short clear example
- Java Brains - restaurant analogy
- Loupe (+10)
- In the Loop (+10)
- flavicops
- javascript.info/settimeout-setinterval
- https://javascript.info/event-loop
- Use case for using setTimeout(0)
- Beau from FCC (timeouts & intervals)
- References
- Error-First Callback Convention
- Callback Hell:
- Practice
- What is JSON?
- APIs 101
- DevTools, the Network Tab:
- What is RESTful
- JSON Placeholder:live, more docs
- restfulapi.net
- Coding Train
- HTTP statuses
- References
- Practice
- learn-fetch
- real-world-fetch
- github-api-crash-course tutorial. (hint: avoid pushing your GitHub auth token!)
- Fetching REST
- JS 30: Type Ahead
- Students: Here you can find recordings of this module from past classes. Enjoy!
- Coaches: When sending your PR's with links please ...
- Indicate which class you were teaching
- Which week it was (if the module is more than 1 week)
- Give your name
- and a helpful description
- week 1:
- Part 1: The Event Loop
- Part 2: Whack-a-Mole
- week 2:
- Part 1:
& REST - Part 2: Explore Users
- Part 1:
- week 3:
- Part 1:
- Part 2: Explore Pokemon
- Part 1:
- week 1:
- Part 1: Isolate - The Event Loop
- Part 2: Integrate - Event Loop
- Part 3: Recap & Project Intro
- week 2:
- Part 1: Isolate - Fetch & REST
- Part 2: Integrate - Fetch & REST
- week 3:
- Part 1: Isolate -
- Part 2: Integrate -
- Wednesday Review: Deploying to Heroku
- Part 1: Isolate -
- week 1: Scheduling & The Event Loop.
- week 2: Promises &
- week 3:
- Week 1: timeouts and the event loop
- Week 2: Node & File System, Refactor Sync to Callbacks
- week 3: