the-list-scraper Uses and spotify api to find bands/artists in your library that have performances in the Bay Area. Requires a Spotify developer account. How to use: 1. Create a spotify developer account and create a new project: 2. In the app settings, set redirect uri to "http://localhost:1234": 3. Get your client ID and secret. You will paste these into the application: 4. Run the program 4.a. find folder where file is saved (on my desktop in this example): 4.b. Open terminal and navigate to folder path with cd command (example: Desktop/the-list-scraper): cd path/to/folder 4.c Install required libraries (run command in terminal): pip install beautifulsoup4 requests spotipy 4.d. Run program with (run command in terminal) python 5. Paste Client ID and Client Secret into the window 6. Click find shows and wait for the shows to appear (may take longer based on number of saved songs)