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File metadata and controls

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The controller is available as a docker image here: decathlon/kubernetes-status-to-github:0.7.0. (check the available tags from either release or dockerhub list). Using the latest version is recommended. But before launching the controller, it is important to understand how to configure it:

Controller mode

This controller will connect to GitHub through a GitHub app. Doing so may be painful to deploy if you have a lot of clusters. In such case, we can also make this controller work in 2 part: a capture part (check the Kubernetes cluster) which call a transfer part (will send data to GItHub). You will need an OAuth2 identity provider to authenticate the

A small diagram to explain better:

With a single cluster, you can use a capture and push mode:

graph LR
    A[kube-status in your cluster <br />`capture_and_process` mode ] -- Status event --> B((GitHub))

If you have multiple cluster, configuring the GitHub access may be complex. If you have an OAuth2 identity provider, it may be much easier to generate an identity (client_credential) one per cluster and transfer to GitHub via a single transfer node:

graph LR
    A[kube-status in your cluster <br />`capture_and_transfer` mode] -- Status event --> B(kube-status processor <br />`process` mode)
    B -- Deployment update --> D((GitHub))

In simple text, here is the possible mode this controller can take:

  • capture_and_process: Check status on the local kubernetes and push event to GitHub.
  • process: Receive event from another instance via http (protected by an oauth2 token) and push the event to GitHub
  • capture_and_transfer: Check status on the local kubernetes cluster and push event via the transfer API to a process node

Kubernetes role

On capture_and_process and capture_and_transfer mode, the controller need to access Kubernetes API to do some processing. The basic role need to have:

  • Full access to githubdeployments and githubdeployments/status object
  • Permission to create event
  • Read/Write access to the resource to prevent duplicate controller running.
  • Need to READ (read/list/watch) every resource you want to track. The default file provided will only track the Deployment resources.

⚠️ If you want to track other kubernetes object than Deployment, you have to add the read access to this object in the role!

And example of such role is shown here:

kind: ClusterRole
  name: kube-to-status-role
  - apiGroups:
      - githubdeployments
      - githubdeployments/status
      - get
      - list
      - watch
      - create
      - update
      - patch
      - delete
  - apiGroups: [""]
    resources: ["events"]
    verbs: ["create"]
  - apiGroups:
      - leases
      - get
      - create
      - update
      - patch
      - delete
  # Add here the resources you want to check. Usually deployments and statefulsets, but you could add helmreleases, jobs ...
  - apiGroups:
      - apps
      - deployments
      - statefulsets
      - get
      - list
      - watch

Configuration file

The controller can be parametrized via a simple configuration file named application.yaml (note: properties file is also supported)

In this file, if a value is like $VALUE it means the value will be based from the environment variable VALUE.

The default configuration file look like the one below, so you usually do not need to create one, as you can drive the configuration via environment variable.

If you choose to set a configuration file, you will need to set it in the config/ subdirectory from the application binary (in the docker image, in /workspace/config for instance )

the file look like:

  mode: ${APP_MODE:capture_and_transfer} # can be `capture_and_process`, `process` or `capture_and_transfer` (default)

  transfer:  # if the mode is `capture_and_transfer` this entry is mandatory. Define where to transfer the captured event and which oauth registration (client_credential) to use (defined later in this file)
    host: ${TRANSFER_HOST:https://my.collector.corp:8080/processor}
    oauth-registration: fedid

  github: # Define how we interact with GitHub. We have to use a GitHub app or a PAT. You will need Read and Write access to `Deployments`.
    app: # GitHub app definition. Mandatory if token not given
      id: ${GITHUB_APP_ID:0}
      private-key: ${GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY:}
    orgs: ${GITHUB_ORG:myorg}
    github-api: ${GITHUB_API:}
    token: ${GITHUB_TOKEN:} # A PAT. Mandatory if app not given
  kubernetes: # only for `capture_and_process` and `capture_and_transfer` mode. 
    refresh: 60s # Will check new status every this much time

spring:  # basic security configuration
      client:  # only for `capture_and_transfer` mode. It defines an OAuth2 client_credential configuration to connect to the transfer node. 
          fedid: # your oauth2 provider name 
            token-uri: ${OAUTH_TOKEN_URI:}  # You oauth2 token endpoint
          fedid: # A registration name. This registration is used in the transfer block above.
            provider: fedid # name of your oauth2 provider declared just before
            authorization-grant-type: client_credentials
            client-id: ${OAUTH_CLIENT_ID:0}
            client-secret: ${OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET:}

      resourceserver: # only for `process` mode. This configuration is needed to validate request to the transfer endpoint.
          jwk-set-uri: ${OAUTH_JWKS_URI:}
          issuer-uri: ${OAUTH_ISSUER_URI:}
Env variable Default Description
APP_NAMESPACE MANDATORY if using the controller on Kubernetes. The namespace the controller is deployed on. It is usually linked to the downward API: metadata.namespace
APP_MODE capture_and_transfer The mode can be capture_and_process, process or capture_and_transfer
TRANSFER_HOST Only if the mode is capture_and_transfer. Define where to transfer the captured event
GITHUB_ORG only for capture_and_process or capture_and_transfer. The GitHub organization to interact with
GITHUB_API only for capture_and_process or capture_and_transfer. The GitHub api endpoint to interact with
GITHUB_APP_ID only for capture_and_process or capture_and_transfer. If you use a GitHub app to interact with GitHub, the id of this app
GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY only for capture_and_process or capture_and_transfer. If you use a GitHub app to interact with GitHub, the private key of this app
GITHUB_TOKEN only for capture_and_process or capture_and_transfer. A GitHub PAT. Mandatory if app is not given. If given and an app is configured, this token takes priority
OAUTH_TOKEN_URI only for capture_and_transfer mode. OAuth2 token uri called to get an access token to call the transfer api
OAUTH_CLIENT_ID only for capture_and_transfer mode. OAuth2 client id to get a token to call the transfer api (client_credential mode)
OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET only for capture_and_transfer mode. OAuth2 client secret to get a token to call the transfer api (client_credential mode)
OAUTH_JWKS_URI Only for process mode. The JWKS endpoint of your OAuth2 provider. A call to the transfer endpoint will be validated from the signature of the access_token against public key provided by this endpoint
OAUTH_ISSUER_URI Only for process mode. The issuer uri you want to validate. A call to the transfer endpoint will be validated from the access_token issuer against this value

Corporate proxy

If you are behind a corporate proxy, you will need to add a docker command (a Kubernetes args) like:

            - -Dhttps.proxyPort=3128
            - -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=|kubernetes|kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local

Endpoint security

The container will lister on port 8080. There are few endpoint available:

Endpoint Description
/actuator/health Health check endpoint
/transfer The endpoint to transfer the captured event. Only available in process mode

Security wise, you should only permit access from outside to /transfer endpoint. The other endpoint are for internal purpose.

Kube deployment

Overall, the deployment of this controller will need:

  • Declare a Kubernetes service account
  • Construct a role for this controller and bind it to the service account Kubernetes role
  • Inject the CRD available here
  • Deploy the controller via the deployment like the one bellow
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    app: kube-to-status
  name: kube-to-status
  namespace: tooling
  replicas: 1
      app: kube-to-status
        app: kube-to-status
      - env:
        - name: APP_NAMESPACE
              apiVersion: v1
              fieldPath: metadata.namespace
        - secretRef:
            name: kube-to-status
        image: decathlon/kubernetes-status-to-github:0.7.0
          failureThreshold: 3
            path: /actuator/health
            port: 8080
            scheme: HTTP
          periodSeconds: 10
          successThreshold: 1
          timeoutSeconds: 1
        name: kubernetes-status
        - containerPort: 8080
          protocol: TCP
          failureThreshold: 3
            path: /actuator/health
            port: 8080
            scheme: HTTP
          periodSeconds: 10
          successThreshold: 1
          timeoutSeconds: 1
            cpu: 100m
            memory: 200Mi
            cpu: 100m
            memory: 200Mi
        - mountPath: /workspace/config
          name: kube-to-status
      serviceAccountName: kube-to-status
      - configMap:
          defaultMode: 420
          name: kube-to-status
        name: kube-to-status

Deployment example

Simple capture deployment

process only