DecoraterBot is an extendable discord bot made in python that is constantly going through changes when and all possible. It currently contains features such as currency, moderation, nsfw, fun commands, and commands such as checking the uptime and status of the bot.
It goes through many fixes and things that are planned.
The bot is open source and any and all commands can be edited or removed at any time. New commands in the form of plugins can be added as well via github. A plugin installation was originally in the works, but after years of inactivity and then slash commands, I had no choice but to cancel that plan. However, plugins can still be submitted to
Note Any commands could break at any time from updates. So, if you find no command or most commands not working then that means that those commands use functions or methods that got broken or removed or even renamed. It just takes time in case of updates as I do not always use them all the time to make sure they all work. There is a rewrite happening for fears that the rewrite when released would crash the bot at any moment’s notice.
I would like to ask that if you enjoy the bot, consider pledging to my patron on at least 5$ per month to help support the development of the bot and to keep the bot running.