Candlestick Screener has 3 functionalities :
- Stock Search - Get candle screener chart with 100ma, 200ma, 21ma of your selected stock from list of ~1800 stocks on NSE
1.1. Expand Show Chart and this candle stick chart will open.
- Nifty 500 Explorer - This data analysis tool can present you with Breaking out, Consolidating, Volume breakouts, stocks near moving averages in realtime.
- Twitter Search - Search with keyword with date and number of tweets and you will get all related tweets (I use it to get latest tweets on my favourite stocks)
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Clone the Repo
- install Requirements
- Run below command in CMD or other console.
streamlit run
- A browser window will pop will Candle Screener open on localhost.
- Pull latest data from button on top and Run your favourite analysis from list
- Or Select your favourite stock and get everything on it.
This section will show some of the functionality of each class; however, it is by no means exhaustive.
# This function will fetch ticker data from yfinance (tickers present in csv file)
# Tickers such as - Tata Chemicals,TATACHEM.NS ; Tata Coffee,TATACOFFEE.NS
def snapshot():
with open('datasets/long.csv') as f:
for line in f:
if "," not in line:
symbol = line.split(",")[1]
Name = line.split(",")[0]
data =, period="9mo", threads = True)
return {
"code": "success"
# valid intervals: 1m,2m,5m,15m,30m,60m,90m,1h,1d,5d,1wk,1mo,3mo
# Valid periods : 1d, 5d, 1mo, 3mo, 6mo, 1y, 2y, 5y, 10y, ytd, max
# Its set to 9 months by default for calculating 200 MA correctly
while True:
print(f'Ran {i} time')
i = i+1
Build your portfolio by adding the stocks in /long/long.csv in format below
Tata Chemicals,TATACHEM.NS
def moving_avg(df):
df['100ma'] = df['Adj Close'].rolling(window=100, min_periods=0).mean() #for 100 moving avg
df['200ma'] = df['Adj Close'].rolling(window=200, min_periods=0).mean()
last_close = df[-1:]['Adj Close'].values[0]
hma = df[-1:]['100ma'].values[0]
twoma = df[-1:]['200ma'].values[0]
per = (1/100)*last_close
if abs(last_close - hma) <= per:
x = filename + " is around 100 MA"
if abs(last_close - twoma) <= per:
y = filename + " is around 200 MA"
for filename in os.listdir('datasets/long'):
df = pandas.read_csv('datasets/long/{}'.format(filename))
hundredma = pd.DataFrame(ma, columns=['Hundred_MA'])
twohundredma = pd.DataFrame(tma, columns=['two_Hundred_MA'])
Run the Streamlit server by hitting the commmand
streamlit run