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File metadata and controls

88 lines (76 loc) · 3.02 KB

Cool things about fs-jetpack

Note: All examples here are synchronous for simplicity. You can easily make them asynchronous just by adding 'Async' to method names and expecting promise to be returned instead of ready value.

Every fs-jetpack instance has its internal CWD

You can create many fs-jetpack objects with different internal working directories (which are independent of process.cwd()) and work on directories in a little more object-oriented manner.

const src = jetpack.cwd('path/to/source');
const dest = jetpack.cwd('path/to/destination');
src.copy('foo.txt', dest.path('bar.txt'));

JSON is a first class citizen

You can write JavaScript object directly to disk and it will be transformed to JSON automatically.

const obj = { greet: "Hello World!" };
jetpack.write('file.json', obj);

Then you can get your object back just by telling read method that it's a JSON.

const obj ='file.json', 'json');

Safer writes to disk

For essential data you might consider "atomic write" feature. To read more about "why" and "how" please see: Transactionally writing files in Node.js Jetpack implements this simple trick and makes it available as an option.

jetpack.write('important_config.json', { atomic: true });

Errors are thrown at you as the last resort

Everyone who did something with files for sure seen "ENOENT, no such file or directory" error. Fs-jetpack tries to recover from it if possible.

  1. For write/creation operations, if any of parent directories doesn't exist jetpack will just create them as well.
  2. For read/inspect operations, if file or directory doesn't exist undefined is returned instead of throwing.

It's just more convenient API (in examples)

1. Let's say you want to create folder structure:

|- greets
   |- greet.txt
   |- greet.json
|- greets-i18n
   |- polish.txt

Peace of cake with jetpack!

    .file('greet.txt', { content: 'Hello world!' })
    .file('greet.json', { content: { greet: 'Hello world!' } })
    .file('polish.txt', { content: 'Witaj świecie!' });

2. Find and delete all .tmp files inside foo directory

jetpack.find('foo', {
    matching: '*.tmp'

3. Get the job done faster in your build scripts

const src = jetpack.cwd('path/to/source');
const dest = jetpack.dir('path/to/destination', { empty: true });

src.copy('.', dest.path(), {
    matching: ['./vendor/**', '*.html', '*.png', '*.jpg'],
    overwrite: true

const config ='config.json', 'json');
config.env = 'production';
dest.write('config.json', config);

4. Create and clean temporary files with ease

const tmp = jetpack.tmpDir();
tmp.append("data.txt", "First chunk of data");
tmp.append("data.txt", "Second chunk of data");
tmp.append("data.txt", "Third chunk of data");
tmp.copy("data.txt", "/some/other/path/data.txt");