In software engineering, a design pattern is a reusable solution for commonly occurring problems in software design. Design patterns represent the best practices used by the experienced software developers. A design pattern can be thought of as a programming template.
All snippets in this repo are classified into different languages and different categories: Object Oriented Programming, Functional Programming, Concurrent Programming, etc.
design-pattern-snippets 是 coding-snippets 的重要组成部分,本仓库关联的文档参阅《编程范式与设计模式系列笔记》
Cpp | Go | Java | JavaScript | Python | Rust | TypeScript |
Cpp | Go | Java | JavaScript | Python | Rust | TypeScript |
Cpp | Go | Java | JavaScript | Python | Rust | TypeScript |
Cpp | Go | Java | JavaScript | Python | Rust | TypeScript |
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