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How To Play

nicoleepp edited this page Mar 23, 2017 · 7 revisions


In Singed Feathers, you are playing to either:

  1. Burn pigeons by setting fire to the map in order to have the pigeons get caught in the flames. You have a limited number of turns to accomplish this.
  2. Save the pigeons by dosing the fires with water, and surviving the limited number of turns.



On the map you will see various tiles, various numbers of pigeons, and possibly various fires. If a tile is made of stone, you will not be able to set it on fire.

On Your Turn:

  1. On your turn you will get to place one item: either fire or water. Select the item you wish to use by clicking either the Fire icon or the Water icon in the top left corner. The selected item will then appear in the X box on the right. Clicking the remove button will unselect your currently selected item.
  2. After selecting the item you wish to use, click on the map where you wish to place it. Press the Undo All button if you wish to change your move. Remember: you can't place fire on stone tiles, and you can only place water on a tile on fire!
  3. Once you are satisfied with the move you would like to make, click the End Turn button for your actions to execute. You'll see your number of Turns Left will decrease, your move will play out, and then it will be time to make your next move!


  • A tile on fire burns for a certain amount of turns, depending on its type. When a tile burns out, it becomes an ash tile. Ash tiles cannot be set on fire again
  • You cannot set a stone tile on fire
  • You cannot place fire on a tile that has a pigeon
  • Fire will disperse after 1 turn to the 4 tiles surrounding it


  • Place water on a tile on fire to extinguish the fire and turn that tile into an ash tile. Ash tiles cannot be set on fire again
  • Placing water on any tile other than a tile on fire will not do anything


  • A pigeon will move to a tile that is not on fire
  • You cannot place a fire on a tile that has a pigeon
  • A pigeon is safe on stone tiles. If you're trying to burn them, don't let them get to a stone tile!


  • If you wish to restart at any point in the game, simply press the Restart button

Return to Title:

  • If you wish to return to the main menu at any point in the game, simply press the Return to Title button

Map Maker

Coming soon!!

Win condition

If A pigeon survives until the end then GoodGuys win. Otherwise BadGuys win.


The game map consists of tiles that have the following attributes:

Flammable - Yes or No

  • Can the tile have a fire on it?

Heat - Any positive number

  • This value changes during the progress of the game.

Flash Point - Any positive number

  • Above what heat is this tile on fire?

Burn duration - Any positive number

  • How many turns does this tile burn for?

Occupiable - Yes or No

  • Can a pigeon walk on this tile?

#Tile types


Flammable - Yes

Flash Point - 10

Burn duration - 3

Occupiable- Yes


Flammable - Yes

Flash Point - 20

Burn duration - 6

Occupiable- Yes


Flammable - No

Flash Point - N/A

Burn duration - N/A

Occupiable- Yes


Flammable - No

Flash Point - N/A

Burn duration - N/A

Occupiable- Yes


Each tile has a heat value that is increased through either the fire action, or at the end of a turn by being next to a burning tile.

A tile that is burning gives off 10 heat each turn to it's neighbours. (North, South, East, and West)

At this point any tiles with enough heat burst into flames.

IMPORTANT the fire action does not directly set tiles on fire, it merely adds heat

When a tile is done burning it is replaced by an Ash tile.


  • Fire

The fire action adds enough heat to a tile to cause it to burst into flames (100).

The fire action may only be used on tiles that are flammable, are empty, and do not have fire on them currently.

  • Water

The water action reduces heat on a tile by a set amount (200).

The water action puts out fire if this would cause the tile's heat to be below it's Flash Point.

The water action also prevents nearby tiles from applying heat to it on the turn it is applied.

The fire action may only be used on tiles that are flammable.


A turn follows the following order for resolution.

  • Player actions are accepted and applied.

  • Fire spreads. (IMPORTANT the fire action does not directly set tiles on fire, it merely adds heat)

  • Pigeons move.