The PSR-14 standard provides interfaces used for dispatching events. But what of events themselves? How can a consumer of the dispatcher (i.e. the emitter) interoperate with the handler, if they have no agreement on what an event may look like? This package aims to provide interfaces that could facilitate the interoperability of events that are identified by event name.
In essence, an event is but a map of parameters associated with a name.
use Dhii\Events\Event\StoppableEventFactoryInterface;
/* @var $factory StoppableEventFactoryInterface */
$event = $factory->make('my_event', ['key' => 'value']);
echo $event->getName(); // 'my_event'
echo $event->getParam('key'); // 'value'
$params = $event->getParams();
var_dump($params); // ['key' => 'value']
$params['hello'] = 'world';
echo $event->getParam('hello'); // 'world'
Events cam be dispatched using a standards-compliant event dispatcher.
This example requires the suggested dhii/event-dispatcher-interface
use Psr\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
use Dhii\Events\Event\EventInterface;
use Dhii\Events\Event\StoppableEventFactoryInterface;
use Dhii\Events\Listener\AddListenerCapableInterface;
/* @var $dispatcher EventDispatcherInterface */
/* @var $factory StoppableEventFactoryInterface */
/* @var $listenerMap AddListenerCapableInterface */
// First listener will change a value and stop propagation
$listenerMap->addListener('my_event', function (EventInterface $event) {
$params = $event->getParams();
$params['key'] = 'other_value';
}, 1);
// Second listener is never run, therefore the value does not change again
$listenerMap->addListener('my_event', function (EventInterface $event) {
$params = $event->getParams();
$params['key'] = 'yet another value';
}, 2);
$event = $factory->make('my_event', ['key' => 'value']);
echo $event->getParam('key'); // 'other_value'