This below information on pods is from 3.5/2021-11 CPD 3.5 Draft Support Manual.pdf
This ONLY covers Core Services / Knowledge Catalog / Some WSL
(*) AD: Automated discovery, QS: Quick scan, IAS: Information assets, MI: Metadata import, DS: DataStage, UG: Unified governance, WKC: Watson Knowledge Catalog, ODF: Open discovery framework, PRF: Profiling, DPS: Data protection service, GS: Global search, WF: workflow
The following table provides a rough overview on how the different types of metadata are persisted by CP4D.
Type of data | Database | Pod |
Assets | CouchDB / Cloudant | wdp-couchdb |
Governance artifact | DB2 | wdp-db2 |
Global search index | ElasticSearch | elasticsearch-master |
IAS, MI, AD, DQ data | DB2 | iis-xmetarepo |
IAS search index, QS results | SOLR | solr-0 |
Platform metadata | Cockroach DB | zen-metastoredb |
The following table provides reference information on the pods making up CP4D and its services.
Pod name | Service | Scope* | Description* | Impact of restart* |
iis-services | WKC | AD, DQ, IAS, MI | Legacy IIS services tier. Runs IAS, AD, QS, DQ, MI backend and UI components. | All AD, QS, and DQ jobs are cancelled. The IAS, MI, and DQ UIs are restarted. Takes > 10 min to restart. |
iis-xmetarepo | WKC | AD, DQ, IAS, MI | XMeta metadata repository storing IAS, MI, and AD metadata (all legacy IGC metadata). | Requires subsequent restart of iis-services pod. |
finley-ml | WKC | AD, QS | Implements term assignment machine learning capabilities. | Running AD, QS, and DQ jobs may fail. |
is-en-conductor | WKC | AD, DQ, DS | Legacy IIS engine tier. Runs DataStage jobs for AD, and DQ, as well as ODF. | Running AD and DQ jobs will fail. |
is-enginecompute | WKC | AD, DS | Used for parallel execution of DataStage jobs for AD and DQ (if configured). | Running AD and DQ jobs may fail. |
gov-catalog-search | WKC | UG | Indexer which updates SOLR index upon receiving Kafka events | TBD |
gov-enterprise-search | WKC | UG | UI serving the GraphExplorer visualization of enterprise Search graph data | |
odf-fastanalyzer | WKC | QS | Backend for quick scan. Implements a local Hadoop cluster for running data discovery algorithms. | Running QS jobs will fail. |
ia-analysis | WKC | AD, QS, DQ | Backend for data quality projects. Also used for publishing QS results. | Running AD and DQ jobs may fail. DQ UI does not work. |
wkc-gov-ui | WKC | WKC | UI for WKC Glossary and workflow. Used for starting AD and QS jobs? | Affects UIs until pod is back. |
gov-admin-ui | WKC | UG | Management UI of legacy "IGC New". Used for customizing asset display page in IAS. Uses gov-app-config-service as backend. | Affects UIs until pod is back. |
gov-app-config-service | WKC | UG | Backend of gov-admin-ui | |
gov-quality-ui | WKC | AD, DQ | Data quality UI. Reads and writes to legacy Information Analyzer APIs. | Affects UIs until pod is back. |
audit-trail-service | WKC | AD, QS | Used for storing AD, and QS job history and details tbd. | |
solr | WKC | AD, DQ, IAS | Search index and data cache for IAS and DQ UIs. Staging area for QS results. | Affects DQ and IAS UIs until pod is back. |
kafka | WKC | UG | Runs Apache Kafka. Used for AD/QS and for OMRS metadata sync. | Running AD, SQ, and DQ jobs may fail. |
zookeeper | WKC | UG | Maintaining configuration information for Kafka and Solr. Used by AD/QS. | Requires subsequent restart of kafka pod. |
audit-trail-service | WKC | AD, QS | Stores AD and QS job history | Do not restart while discovery runs |
cassandra-0 | WKC | IAS | Repository for relationship graph data | Minor impact |
portal-catalog | WKC | general | Running the WKC catalog UI | |
portal-commonapi | WKC | general | ||
portal-dashboards | WKC | general | ||
catalog-api | WKC | general | Back-end catalog and asset service, used to store metadata for catalog, project, etc. | Minor impact |
wdp-couchdb | WKC | general | Repository for storing asset metadata for projects, catalogs, etc. | Minor impact |
wdp-db2 | WKC | general | Repository for DPS, wkc-glossary, wkc-workflow, lineage | Restarting will take 5-15 minutes to start the pod, while starting some of the services will be down |
dataconn-engine-opdiscovery | WKC | PRF, DPS | ||
dataconn-engine-service | WKC | PRF, DPS | Manages dataconn-engine-spark-cluster instances | |
dataconn-engine-sparkcluster | WKC | PRF, DPS | Runs data flows | |
dc-main | WKC | general | Runs catalog management UIs | Minor impact |
elasticsearch-master | WKC | GS | Runs elastic search engine for global search | |
gov-ui-commons | WKC | UG | Common bundle for UG UIs with resources such as fonts, icons etc., no functionality as such | |
gov-user-prefsservice | WKC | UG | Microservice storing user specific configuration settings in keyvalue form, used by the UG UIs to save some personalized settings | |
igc-ui-react | WKC | IAS | UI serving Information Assets area | |
portal-job-manager | WKC | |||
portal-main | WKC | |||
portal-notifications | WKC | |||
rabbitmq-ha | WKC | general | Used for internal messaging, a bit like Kafka in the UG stack | No impact if restart one pod at a time since this service is HA |
redis-ha-haproxy | WKC | general | Proxy service to redis-ha master | |
redis-ha-server | WKC | general | Cache service for WKC UI and other backend microservices | No impact if restart one pod at a time since this service is HA |
shop4info-event-consumer-0 | WKC | UG | Enterprise search, receives events from Kafka | |
shop4info-mappers-service | WKC | UG | Enterprise search related | |
shop4info-rest-0 | WKC | UG | Enterprise search, provides API interface | |
shop4info-scheduler | WKC | UG | Enterprise search related | |
shop4info-type-registry-service | WKC | UG | Enterprise search related | |
spawner-api | ||||
wdp-connect-connection | WKC | general | Provides access to the connection and datasource assets in the CAMS repository. | None |
wdp-connect-connector | WKC | general | Helper for wdp-connect-connection | None |
couchdb | CP4D | lite | Used to users and other metadata, not needed starting from V3.5 | |
wdp-lineage | WKC | general | Backend to serve WKC Activity lineage seen in the WKC Catalog Asset view on Lineage tab | |
wdp-policy-service | WKC | DPS | Backend to do policy enforcement for data protection rules | |
wdp-profiling | WKC | general | Profiling tab in WKC asset browser | |
wdp-profiling-messaging | WKC | general | Profiling tab in WKC asset browser | |
wdp-profiling-ui | WKC | general | Profiling tab in WKC asset browser | |
wdp-shaper | WKC | general | Data refinery | |
wkc-glossary-service | WKC | general | Backend for WKC glossary interacts with OMAG via Kafka and uses RabbitMQ for DPS. Connects to Db2 (BGDB ), XMETA (ILGDB), uses Redis | |
wkc-search | WKC | GS | Global Search | |
wkc-workflow-service | WKC | WF | Backend for wkc governance artifacts workflow capabilities |