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pod service

File metadata and controls

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This below information on pods is from 3.5/2021-11 CPD 3.5 Draft Support Manual.pdf
This ONLY covers Core Services / Knowledge Catalog / Some WSL
(*) AD: Automated discovery, QS: Quick scan, IAS: Information assets, MI: Metadata import, DS: DataStage, UG: Unified governance, WKC: Watson Knowledge Catalog, ODF: Open discovery framework, PRF: Profiling, DPS: Data protection service, GS: Global search, WF: workflow

Pods for data persistence

The following table provides a rough overview on how the different types of metadata are persisted by CP4D.

Type of data Database Pod
Assets CouchDB / Cloudant wdp-couchdb
Governance artifact DB2 wdp-db2
Global search index ElasticSearch elasticsearch-master
IAS, MI, AD, DQ data DB2 iis-xmetarepo
IAS search index, QS results SOLR solr-0
Platform metadata Cockroach DB zen-metastoredb

Pod reference table

The following table provides reference information on the pods making up CP4D and its services.

Pod name Service Scope* Description* Impact of restart*
iis-services WKC AD, DQ, IAS, MI Legacy IIS services tier. Runs IAS, AD, QS, DQ, MI backend and UI components. All AD, QS, and DQ jobs are cancelled. The IAS, MI, and DQ UIs are restarted. Takes > 10 min to restart.
iis-xmetarepo WKC AD, DQ, IAS, MI XMeta metadata repository storing IAS, MI, and AD metadata (all legacy IGC metadata). Requires subsequent restart of iis-services pod.
finley-ml WKC AD, QS Implements term assignment machine learning capabilities. Running AD, QS, and DQ jobs may fail.
is-en-conductor WKC AD, DQ, DS Legacy IIS engine tier. Runs DataStage jobs for AD, and DQ, as well as ODF. Running AD and DQ jobs will fail.
is-enginecompute WKC AD, DS Used for parallel execution of DataStage jobs for AD and DQ (if configured). Running AD and DQ jobs may fail.
gov-catalog-search WKC UG Indexer which updates SOLR index upon receiving Kafka events TBD
gov-enterprise-search WKC UG UI serving the GraphExplorer visualization of enterprise Search graph data
odf-fastanalyzer WKC QS Backend for quick scan. Implements a local Hadoop cluster for running data discovery algorithms. Running QS jobs will fail.
ia-analysis WKC AD, QS, DQ Backend for data quality projects. Also used for publishing QS results. Running AD and DQ jobs may fail. DQ UI does not work.
wkc-gov-ui WKC WKC UI for WKC Glossary and workflow. Used for starting AD and QS jobs? Affects UIs until pod is back.
gov-admin-ui WKC UG Management UI of legacy "IGC New". Used for customizing asset display page in IAS. Uses gov-app-config-service as backend. Affects UIs until pod is back.
gov-app-config-service WKC UG Backend of gov-admin-ui
gov-quality-ui WKC AD, DQ Data quality UI. Reads and writes to legacy Information Analyzer APIs. Affects UIs until pod is back.
audit-trail-service WKC AD, QS Used for storing AD, and QS job history and details tbd.
solr WKC AD, DQ, IAS Search index and data cache for IAS and DQ UIs. Staging area for QS results. Affects DQ and IAS UIs until pod is back.
kafka WKC UG Runs Apache Kafka. Used for AD/QS and for OMRS metadata sync. Running AD, SQ, and DQ jobs may fail.
zookeeper WKC UG Maintaining configuration information for Kafka and Solr. Used by AD/QS. Requires subsequent restart of kafka pod.
audit-trail-service WKC AD, QS Stores AD and QS job history Do not restart while discovery runs
cassandra-0 WKC IAS Repository for relationship graph data Minor impact
portal-catalog WKC general Running the WKC catalog UI
portal-commonapi WKC general
portal-dashboards WKC general
catalog-api WKC general Back-end catalog and asset service, used to store metadata for catalog, project, etc. Minor impact
wdp-couchdb WKC general Repository for storing asset metadata for projects, catalogs, etc. Minor impact
wdp-db2 WKC general Repository for DPS, wkc-glossary, wkc-workflow, lineage Restarting will take 5-15 minutes to start the pod, while starting some of the services will be down
dataconn-engine-opdiscovery WKC PRF, DPS
dataconn-engine-service WKC PRF, DPS Manages dataconn-engine-spark-cluster instances
dataconn-engine-sparkcluster WKC PRF, DPS Runs data flows
dc-main WKC general Runs catalog management UIs Minor impact
elasticsearch-master WKC GS Runs elastic search engine for global search
gov-ui-commons WKC UG Common bundle for UG UIs with resources such as fonts, icons etc., no functionality as such
gov-user-prefsservice WKC UG Microservice storing user specific configuration settings in keyvalue form, used by the UG UIs to save some personalized settings
igc-ui-react WKC IAS UI serving Information Assets area
portal-job-manager WKC
portal-main WKC
portal-notifications WKC
rabbitmq-ha WKC general Used for internal messaging, a bit like Kafka in the UG stack No impact if restart one pod at a time since this service is HA
redis-ha-haproxy WKC general Proxy service to redis-ha master
redis-ha-server WKC general Cache service for WKC UI and other backend microservices No impact if restart one pod at a time since this service is HA
shop4info-event-consumer-0 WKC UG Enterprise search, receives events from Kafka
shop4info-mappers-service WKC UG Enterprise search related
shop4info-rest-0 WKC UG Enterprise search, provides API interface
shop4info-scheduler WKC UG Enterprise search related
shop4info-type-registry-service WKC UG Enterprise search related
wdp-connect-connection WKC general Provides access to the connection and datasource assets in the CAMS repository. None
wdp-connect-connector WKC general Helper for wdp-connect-connection None
couchdb CP4D lite Used to users and other metadata, not needed starting from V3.5
wdp-lineage WKC general Backend to serve WKC Activity lineage seen in the WKC Catalog Asset view on Lineage tab
wdp-policy-service WKC DPS Backend to do policy enforcement for data protection rules
wdp-profiling WKC general Profiling tab in WKC asset browser
wdp-profiling-messaging WKC general Profiling tab in WKC asset browser
wdp-profiling-ui WKC general Profiling tab in WKC asset browser
wdp-shaper WKC general Data refinery
wkc-glossary-service WKC general Backend for WKC glossary interacts with OMAG via Kafka and uses RabbitMQ for DPS. Connects to Db2 (BGDB ), XMETA (ILGDB), uses Redis
wkc-search WKC GS Global Search
wkc-workflow-service WKC WF Backend for wkc governance artifacts workflow capabilities