A terraform module to create ALB Glue Catalog for Athena. AWS docs
- Glue Catalog support Athena Partition Projection. So you don't have to manage partition keys.
- Partition benefits reduce your data scanning cost and improve scanning speed.
module "lb_logs" {
source = "github.com/DingGGu/terraform-aws-athena-lb-access-logs.git"
athena_database_s3_bucket_name = "aws-athena-query-results-${data.aws_caller_identity.current.account_id}-${data.aws_region.current.name}"
s3_bucket_name = "<LB_ACCESS_LOG_BUCKET_NAME>"
Execute query on Athena.
SELECT * FROM "lb_access_log"."alb_logs" WHERE date_day = '2021/04/06' limit 10;