Dintero.Checkout.Episerver is a library for integrating Dintero Payment as the checkout solution for sites based on EPiServer Commerce technology.
Version supported: 10.9 and higher
Functionality supported in EpiServer admin:
- Capture
- Refund and partial refund (on item level)
NB!Capture and Refund done in Dintero Backoffice will not update the EPiServer order management.
How to install? - Add ASAP module is ready on nuget.episerver.com
How to use?
After you have install a module. It is required to create:
Page layout for EPiServer Commerce Dintero payment settings - ConfigurePayment.ascx. It will manage the following parameters: account id, client id, client secret id, profile id. If you are OK with default one, you may just copy this page (add a link). This page is to create by the following path: Apps/Order/Payments/Plugins/Dintero in your EPiServer Commerce web project
Make sure you do not have "DinteroSessionId" meta field.
Create a new instance of DinteroPage page type in EPiServer/CMS.
Add start page properties: "DinteroPaymentCancelPage" and "DinteroPaymentLandingPage" - pages where user will be redirected after failed/successful Dintero Authosization.
Create new payment Dintero method. Please make sure, you set "Dintero" as a payment system word.
You may define an clased with IPostProcessDinteroPayment interface and register it in EPiServer DI. You may add you custom operation after seesion authorization, payment capturing or refunding.