Haley Brown, Don Chisolm, Zachary Deal, Jose Paez, Devin Pawline, and Steve
Mother Of All Records is an application for all your medical and personal health needs. Use our scheduler to make appointments with your doctors, or use our medicine tracker feature to keep track off your medication. With M.O.A.R. you have MORE options for your medicial needs!
Devin: Navbar, Heroku, Styling
Don: Databases, Authentication, Scheduler
Haley: Pages, Presentation, Styling
Jose: Scheduler, Pill Box, Databases
Steve: Routing, Navbar, Pages
Zach: Authentication, Login, Folder Structure
Problems with heroku deployment, as well as github pushing/pullling occasionally.
Finding third party medicial apis we could use to import data.
Hiding the navbar until the user has logged into the application.
Building the scheduler.
Keeping application up to date on Heroku without bugs/problems.
Live Chat/Video chat feature with medical staff.
Disclaimer about medical information being provided.
Touch ID/Face ID Compatibility.
Additional styling to make the application look more trendy/sleek.
Adding the Medicine Tracker.