Date: 7 Dec 2021
- Crick's OMERO
- Crick has some 120 groups and some 1500 research staffs in a single site
- OMERO Plus from Glencoe
- 2 instances (1 production, 1 testing) * VM: 12 cores, 64GB ram, 120TB quota.
- Separate configurations!!! (Don't do that!)
- Not Ansible (work in progress)
- No high availability (work in progress)
- Uses Single-Sign-On (SSO)
- a pain to register new users
- But easier to manage when people leave.
- Use network files (Active Directory)
- Recommend In-place import for our users
- But no auto-import yet (work in progress)
- a pain to setup in-place import
- External access URL for collaborations
- No Public User yet (i.e. no public website)
- AI/ML created pipelines for OMERO
- QuPath ROI write back - SSL certificate probl.
- Ansible/high availability/more instances for dev
- Trouble using "omero duplicate" to external shared group when images are linked.
- Reading in sparse wells
- Users want Maximum Intensity Projection
- Transfer images between instances
- Commissioned Tape Backup option (Glencoe)