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Common settings and notes

  • The experiments are run with PyTorch 1.0, CUDA 10.0, and CUDNN 7.5.
  • Training times are measured on our servers with TITAN V GPUs (12 GB Memory).
  • Testing times are measured on our local machine with TITAN Xp GPU.
  • The models can be downloaded directly from Google drive.

2D bounding box Tracking


Model GPUs Train time Test time Valication MOTA Test MOTA Download
mot17_fulltrain 4 4h 45ms - 67.3 (Private Detection) model
mot17_fulltrain_sc 4 4h 45ms - 61.4 (Public Detection) model
mot17_half 4 2h 45ms 66.1 - model
mot17_half_sc 4 2h 45ms 60.7 - model
crowdhuman 4 21h 45ms 52.2 - model


  • *_half corresponds to the half-half video train/ val split mentioned in the paper.
  • *_fulltrain corresponds to train on the full training set, and evaluate on the official test server. These models are provided for arXiv and demo purposes. It is highly NOT recommended to submit our predictions to the test server, for not abusing the test set. Usually the validation results are all you need for developing.
  • mot17_half/ mot17_fulltrain are finetuned on the crowdhuman model, and mot17_half_sc/ mot17_fulltrain_sc are trained from ImageNet initialization.
  • The validation results are both using private detection.
  • All the MOT models are trained for 70 epochs, with learning rate dropped at the 60th epoch.
  • The crowdhuman model is trained on CrowdHuman dataset with the "training on static image data" technic in our paper, and evaluate directly in MOT17 validation set. The crowdhuman pretraining uses 140 epochs, with learning rate dropped at 90 and 140 epochs.
  • The training schedules are not well studies.
  • We observe about 1 MOTA random noise for MOT models.
  • If the resulting MOTA of your self-trained model is not desired, playing around with the --track_thresh and --pre_thresh sometimes gives a better number (See Appendix H of the paper).
  • The MOT models, even trained on the full training set, still does not look great for in-the-wild videos. The crowdhuman model is a better choice for real world application. However, be aware that both datasets are in non-commercial licenses.

KITTI 2D Tracking

Model GPUs Train time Test time Validation MOTA Test MOTA Download
kitti_fulltrain (flip) 2 9h 66 - 89.44 model
kitti_half 2 4.5h 40 88.7 - model
kitti_half_sc 2 4.5h 40 84.5 - model


  • We use flip-test for the model we submitted to the test server (kitti_fulltrain_flip).
  • kitti_fulltrain are finetuned on the nuScenes_3Ddetection_e140 model (see below).
  • All the models are trained for 70 epochs.
  • We observe up to 1.5 MOTA jittering due to randomness. The results are reported for the best model.

Monocular 3D Detection/ Tracking


Model GPUs Train time Test time Val AMOTA@0.2 Val AMOTA Val mAP Download
nuScenes_3Ddetection_e140 8 72h 28ms - - 30.27 model
nuScenes_3Dtracking 8 40h 28ms 28.3 6.8 - model


  • Both models are trained on our DGX servers with 8x 32G V100 GPUs.
  • The 3D detection model is trained on all 6 camera images of the keyframes for 140 epochs. It does not include attributes and velocity prediction and is different from the model we used in the 3D detection leaderboard. See the CenterNet repo for details about the full 3D detection model we used for test set evaluation.
  • The 3D tracking model is finetuned on the 3D detection model for 70 epochs.
  • Training on 4 GPUs or 8x 12G GPUs with smaller batchsize is OK, if the linear learning rate rule is applied.

COCO Tracking (for demo purpose only)

Model GPUs Train time Test time Download
coco_tracking 8 39h 30ms model
coco_pose_tracking 8 19h 33ms model
  • Both models are trained with the "training on static image data" technic in our paper.
  • The models are not evaluated on any benchmarks since there are no suitable ones in this setting. We provide them for demo purpose only.