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76 lines (59 loc) · 4.38 KB


A small event management and ticketing utility.

If you run an instance, join the User Group on Telegram!

Warning: The project is currently being migrated to a containerized deployment and development environment. New deployments are currently not recommended. The current main branch hosts the classic environment on a Python 3.12 host. Please upgrade to Caelondia if you are on an older version first.

  • Sell various ticket types with badge personalization (nickname, avatar)
  • Provide applications (for volunteering, vendors, stalls, etc) with customizable forms
  • Lightweight event/global pages system w/ Markdown support (for ToS, policies, etc)
  • Integrates with django-payments (currently Przelewy24, a Polish payment gateway)
  • Available in English and Polish



  • Developed and tested on Linux (any distro - run under a Linux VM on other OSes).
  • You'll need Python 3.12+ with Poetry.
  • For the database, you'll need PostgreSQL 14+.
  • For the cache and background task queues, you'll need Redis 6.0+.
  • For the ticket generation, you'll need a working Docker or Podman installation.
  • Optional: You might want to use Mailhog as a fake SMTP server for development.

Setting up the environment:

  • Clone this repo and copy .env.dist into a new file for your dev/prod environment.
  • Configure your environment per instructions in that environment file.
  • Set the ENV_PATH path to your newly-created .env file or load its contents as environment variables.
  • Optional: To create the .venv in the project directory, run poetry config true.
  • Run poetry install to create a virtualenv with all project dependencies.
  • Run poetry shell to enter the virtualenv (whenever it's in the repo or the Poetry venv cache).
  • Run ./ migrate to set up the database for the first time.
  • Run ./ createsuperuser to set up your first user account.

You're now ready to run the development server:

  • You can either load .env contents as environment variables or point the ENV_PATH variable at it.
  • Run ENV_PATH=path/to/your/.env ./ runserver to start the development server.
  • If you got the ImproperlyConfigured, this means the env vars from this file were not loaded.
  • Run ENV_PATH=path/to/your/.env ./ rundramatiq to start the background task queue.
  • For non-production environments, the top bar will be tinted red.

Common development tasks:

  • ./ makemessages -l pl - generate translation PO files for the pl locale.
  • ./ compilemessages - compile all available PO files into MO files (used by the app).
  • ./ makemigrations - generate database migrations after introducing changes in our models.
  • ./ migrate - apply missing migrations to your currently-running database.
  • ./ collectstatic - generate complete contents of the static directory (required for prod).
  • ./ rundramatiq --reload - runs the task queue with a code autoreloader.
  • ./ - pulls the current Git branch and runs common upgrade steps, then restarts the service.


  • Set up the .env with non-debug, production values as noted on the Django Checklist.
  • Set up your PostgreSQL database with backups and no access from the internet.
  • Get credentials for a proper production SMTP server to send mails from.
  • Set up the virtualenv with true, poetry install, poetry shell.
  • Run ./ commands: collectstatic, migrate and createsuperuser.
  • Deploy Django with Gunicorn:
  • Run a reverse proxy with Nginx:
  • Set up a 2nd domain for user uploads (MEDIA_URL) and expose the MEDIA_ROOT contents there.
  • Make sure your production server has HTTPS configured:
  • Lock down SSH access via pubkeys only
  • Block any non-SSH/HTTP/HTTPS conns via your firewall (ufw/firewalld/iptables)

Check out the contrib directory for some handy scripts and configs.