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File metadata and controls

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Oh, here you are! You either misclicked or genuinely have some interest in this Vite plugin! Either way is fine, very glad to see you there! This is a rather unorganized yet useful list of resources, guides and cheatsheets that may help you understand how this plugin works under the hood, or at least give you an overall idea of its design.

I'm new to the codebase, how do I get started?

This document supposes you've read the README and have basic understanding of how Vite works. If you don't, you may want to learn a bit more by reading their guide and exploring their plugin API. But don't worry: Vite is really well designed and documented and there's no need to be afraid at all (forget about your Webpack traumas, it's over /s)!

Plugin overview

Let's start with the obvious point when talking about Vite plugins: the plugin entry, which is our index.ts file. You reading this probably means you're new to the codebase, so just forget about both handleHotUpdate and configureServer as they're not relevant at first. The plugin entry is pretty straight-forward and should be quite understandable by just reading it. It basically does only two things:

  1. First analyzes entries set in the targets option.
  2. Then transforms served files accordingly.

The whole plugin logic is driven by a plugin Context class that stores and shares the following properties:

Property Type Description
entries PluginEntries Map of analyzed entry files
targets ExtendedTargets Map of registered targets
resolver ResolveFn Vite's resolver
logger Logger Plugin's Logger

Here is an overview of the main files it uses:

Plugin logic
index.ts options.ts
context.ts logger.ts
diagnostics.ts event-bus.ts
Analyzing entries Transforming files
analyze-entry.ts cleanup-entry.ts
transform.ts analyze-import.ts
parse.ts timer.ts
urls.ts utils.ts

Note: You may encounter both "targets" and "entries" terms used interchangeably across the codebase, issues or documentation. They basically mean the same thing, but I would usually consider "target" as a path and "entry" as a file (do not trust me though, I use them inconsistently myself).

1. Analyzing entries

Once Vite's final configuration is resolved through the configResolved hook, the plugin starts analyzing the entries set in the targets option. The idea is to collect valuable information about every single entity they export. This let us later rewrite "imports from some entry" to "imports from entity's actual source".

The configResolved hook is async because we don't want Vite to start serving files before the analysis is done. This is why we await the analysis here. This may delay startup time based on the amount of targets you've specified.

This analysis is a mandatory step which feeds a map of EntryData for each EntryPath. The underlying code is pretty simple and should be intelligible when reading from top to bottom. Let's still provide further insight:

  • EntryPath is the absolute path to an entry file (a target)
  • EntryData is an object of the following structure:
Property Type Description
source string Source content of the entry file
updatedSource string Cleaned-up content of the entry file
wildcardExports WildcardExports List of wildcard exports
exports EntryExports Map of entities exported by an entry file
depth number Static analysis depth


The source property stores the entry file's source content as it eventually gets cleaned-up and stored in a updatedSource property.


The updatedSource property is used to serve a cleaned-up/lighter version of the entry file whenever an external module imports some code that was actually defined within the entry file. In that cleaned-up version, all export statements which do not rely on code defined within the file are removed since they're eventually rewritten to their actual sources. This way, if you were to import some code defined within the entry file, serving the cleaned-up version would not necessarily trigger requests for modules that could be tree-shaken.

However, because such "defined-within-entry" code could rely on imported modules, we can't just remove import statements from the cleaned-up version. Analyzing "defined-within-entry" code to determine which imports are actually used would be quite expensive, so we don't. This basically means whenever one imports code defined from an entry file, some module could still be loaded even though they're not actually used (which somehow clashes the purpose of this plugin).

Such pattern (mixing both facade and code definition) is not recommended and could be considered a bad practice, but should definitely be supported and not break anything. Using this plugin probably means one's main motivation is to reduce the amount of unnecessary requests. Therefore, by default, warnings are emitted whenever a target both imports modules and exposes code it actually defines. Despite the warnings hinting for quite an easy (and recommended) code-split, it may be silenced through the ignoreMixedTarget option.


Entry files may aggregate modules by either:

  • directly exporting * from './some-module' or * as SomeAlias from './some-module'
  • importing * as SomeAlias from './some-module' and then exporting SomeAlias

Such patterns are quite common and may even be the reason why you ended up here in the first place. Being able to mimic tree-shaking behaviour on such patterns requires us to also analyze all of wildcard-imported modules, which could lead to performance issues. Wildcard imports/exports of other entries do not have incidence on performances since these are analyzed anyway; they should work out of the box. However, wildcard-importing a non-target module may introduce some bloat. Especially if the module itself exports wildcard-imported modules, etc.

Therefore, by default, this plugin only analyzes and tree-shakes wildcard-imports of modules that are defined as targets. However, this may be overidden through the maxWildcardDepth option (which defaults to 0). Starting with a default depth of 0 for explicit targets, all encountered wildcard imports are recursively added as "implicit" targets until the specified max depth is reached.

Suppose you set the maxWildcardDepth option to 1 and have the following files:

// entry.ts
export * from './child-1';

// child-1.ts
export * from './child-2';

The child-1 wildcard import occurs in depth 0, which does not exceed the maxWildcardDepth option, we therefore add child-1 as an implicit target. child-1 wildcard-exports child-2 in depth 1, which reaches the maxWildcardDepth option. We therefore do not do anything, the child-2 export will remain untouched and won't be tree-shaken.

Wildcard exports are stored for each target as WildcardExports, which have the following structure:

Property Type Description
named Map<string, string> Map of named export to resolved wildcard-imported module path
direct string[] Direct wildcard exports' paths

In other words, named are for aliased wildcard imports/exports, and direct are for direct wildcard exports.


The exports property is a map of ImportParams where the key is the name of the exported entity (named or default), and the value is an object containing valuable information about their source. ImportParams have the following structure:

Property Type Description
path string Path to imported entity
importDefault boolean Source content of the entry file
originalName string? Original name of the entity (as exported by its source file)
alias string? Alias of the entity (as imported from the entry by consomming code).


Depth at which the target was encountered. If this is a an explicit target, depth is 0. If this is an implicit target which was added through a wildcard import, depth is 1. If this is an implicit target which was added through a wildcard import of an implicit target, depth is 2, etc. Depth let us keep track of static analyses' stacks so that we can stop them before analyzing them becomes slower than simply importing them.

2. Transforming served files

Once all of the targets are analyzed, Vite server is ready to go and starts as you would expect. Now, whenever a file matching the extensions option (and that was not ignored through the ignorePatterns option) gets served by Vite, it gets transformed by the plugin to rewrite imports from targets to their source modules. It only transform files when they import at least one entity from any target. Here's what basically happens when transforming a file, for each target import encountered:

Retrieve target data

The first step is to retrieve data that were gathered for such targets. This data can easily be accessed through the context.entries map, where each map key is the absolute path to the relevant target.

Analyze import statement

Once we know which target we're dealing with, we need to parse the import statement to get details about the imported entities. This could either be:

  • a default import (e.g. import Something from './some-module')
  • named import(s) (e.g. import { Thing } from './some-module')
  • a wildcard import (e.g. import * from './some-module')
  • mixed imports (e.g. import Something, { Thing } from './some-module')

Resolve imported entities

Once we know exactly what was imported, we need to resolve the actual source of each imported entity. There are several possible scenarios:

  • default import: importing a default export from a target is pretty straight-forward because it should be exposed as the default key of entry's exports map. If it does not exist, the plugin does not do anything because this supposes both IDE and runtime errors.

  • named import: importing a named entity from a target is also straight-forward because it should be exposed by entry's exports map. If it does not exist, maybe we're importing an entity from a wildcard-exported module. See next point.

  • wildcard import: If a named entity could not be resolved by an entry's export map, there's still a chance it was re-exported from a wildcard-imported module. Here's the decision tree that gets applied:

    • We first try to find the entity inside context.wildcards.named's map. Matching the entity against that map means it was wildcard-imported with an alias and re-exported (e.g. import * as Alias from '…' then export { Alias } or export * as Alias from '…').
    • If it's still not resolved, maybe it was re-exported with a wildcard-export statement (e.g. export * from '…'). We need to find the entity across paths saved in the array. These paths should be registered as implicit targets and analyzed beforehand.

    If nothing was resolved, then the import statement won't be transformed to preserve original behaviour.

Rewrite import statement

At this point, all imported entities should be re-written: instead of importing them from a given target, they should be imported from their actual sources. Vite then serves the transformed file :-)