Maxwell is my experiment with Microsoft's DialoGPT model and OpenAI's GPT-2 language model, for use on any discord server. I am planning on fine-tuning much more in the future but for now DialoGPT's model performs admirably.
As of 3-2-2020 I am running this model on my old bot, Maple, which you can invite here:
The recommended python version is 3.6.8.
You can install all requirements with "pip install -r requirements.txt".
python 3.6.8 numpy 1.16.4 torch 1.2.0 transformers 2.3.0 python-telegram-bot 12.3.0 (Only if you are using the telegram bot) 1.2.5 goolgetrans 2.4.0 (For automatic translation with non-english users) textblob 0.15.3 (Used in some text processing cases) matplotlib 2.0.2 (Used for modeling statistics)
In, at line 117, replace "TOKEN_GOES_HERE" with your discord bot's API token. The model will automatically download and set up upon the first run of the program; you should be good to go!