This module responsible for creating an election template (eg: Presidential). Which means user has capability to define election related configurations in a fully customizable way so the elections which has been asinged by this election template will inherit all the configurations. following list depict the configurations
- Define nomination candidate form fields
- Define nomination/candidte supporting documents
- Configure divisions related to particular election eg : for the presidential election division would be Sri Lanka
- Election configurations eg : Add calculation types/Add an authority/Add nomination payment information/Add eligibility criteria etc.
This module responsible for approving or rejecting an election template by the higher authority of election commision
This module responsible for calling an election (eg: Presidential 2019). Where user can assign an election template to a particular election and this election will inherit all the configuarations of that particular election template. Then user can define election related timelines(eg: nomination time line/payment timeline/objection timeline) and select electorates(allowing nominatios for parties) for the election.
This module responsible for approving or rejecting an called election by the higher authority of election commision
This module responsible for creating a nomination by registered political party member or independent group leader where he or she can add candidates(this form fields defined by create election template) for the particular nomination and submit candidate/nomination supporting documents (this documents defined by create election template). Also user can download the form of nomination and the auth from this module.
This module responsible for creating a payment for nomination by election commision officer where he or she can select particular nomination from the system and done the payment then generate payslip
This module responsible for approving or rejecting an submitted nomination by the higher authority of election commision
This module responsible for creating an objection agains oponent parties nominations by party members
In this module higher authority of election commision will review the submitted objections by the party members and done approving or rejecting based on the nomination validity.