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Meeting with BioCommons (2023 03 10)

Kenneth Hoste edited this page Mar 10, 2023 · 1 revision

2023-03-10 EESSI/Australian/BioCommons catch-up

(see also



  • Kenneth Hoste (HPC-UGent)
  • Alan O'Cais (CECAM)

BioCommons BYOD project

  • Hoylen Sue(QCIF)
  • Peter Marendy (QCIF)
  • Steffen Bollmann (Univ. of Queensland)
    • NeuroDesk
  • Alex Ip (AARNet)
  • Steele Cooke (AARNet)
  • Greg D’Arcy (AARNet)



  • Why was Gentoo chosen as a compatibility layer instead of for example Singularity/Apptainer?
    • Performance
    • Limiting what needs to be downloaded to run (thank you CVMFS)
    • Combining multiple apps
    • Access to specialized hardware like Infiniband, GPUs, ...
    • Security (ingesting binaries from others)
  • Is the complex build process (and the difficult recipe definition) limiting the addition of tools?
  • How is it ensured that the software does not contain malicious code that for example steals ssh-keys?
  • Is there one catalog for everyone or can sites customize which software is offered?
  • How are bugs in the build process handled that are discovered after people are already using a tool and then require rebuilding a tool with the same version number - is this tool replacing the existing faulty software or is there a mechanism to warn users?
    • Could print warning when module is loaded
  • How is ensured that the software built is working correctly (e.g. running tests with test data and comparing outputs?)
  • Long-term funding of the work—what are the costs, what is the sustainability plan?
    • Short-term: MultiXscale EuroHPC project (2023-2026)
    • Longer-term: payed “subscription” to EESSI (better support, help with adding software, …)
    • Explore other funding models
    • Collaboration with consultancy companies like HPCNow!
    • Sponsored credits by AWS/Azure



  • What are the plans for teaching new and novice users how to use it (e.g. documentation, training)?
  • How do users discover what is available in EESSI, and how is that maintained?
    • “module avail”
    • Software overview in EESSI documentation (for example via JSON data dumped by Lmod)


  • How do you control who adds/updates what in which repo?
  • Is software patched regularly? (partially answered for compatibility layer in Steffen’s questions)
  • Can Australia participate (like Eurovision)? (e.g. Australian Stratum 1)
    • Short answer: yes, EESSI is (worldwide) community project
    • Joint funded projects are worth exploring
    • Some opportunities to work together on compat layer (like EESSI does with Canadian HPC sites), CVMFS, ...


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