INFO [12270] ______________________________________________________________________ _____ ____ __ ____ __ _ _____ _ | ____/ ___|| \/ \ \ / /_ _| |_ _|__ ___ | | | _| \___ \| |\/| |\ \ / / _` | | | |/ _ \ / _ \| | | |___ ___) | | | | \ V / (_| | | | | (_) | (_) | | |_____|____/|_| |_| \_/ \__,_|_| |_|\___/ \___/|_| ______________________________________________________________________ ESMValTool - Earth System Model Evaluation Tool. CORE DEVELOPMENT TEAM AND CONTACTS: Birgit Hassler (Co-PI; DLR, Germany - Alistair Sellar (Co-PI; Met Office, UK - Bouwe Andela (Netherlands eScience Center, The Netherlands - Lee de Mora (PML, UK - Niels Drost (Netherlands eScience Center, The Netherlands - Veronika Eyring (DLR, Germany - Bettina Gier (UBremen, Germany - Remi Kazeroni (DLR, Germany - Nikolay Koldunov (AWI, Germany - Axel Lauer (DLR, Germany - Saskia Loosveldt-Tomas (BSC, Spain - Ruth Lorenz (ETH Zurich, Switzerland - Benjamin Mueller (LMU, Germany - Valeriu Predoi (URead, UK - Mattia Righi (DLR, Germany - Manuel Schlund (DLR, Germany - Breixo Solino Fernandez (DLR, Germany - Javier Vegas-Regidor (BSC, Spain - Klaus Zimmermann (SMHI, Sweden - For further help, please read the documentation at Have fun! INFO [12270] Package versions INFO [12270] ---------------- INFO [12270] ESMValCore: 2.7.1 INFO [12270] ESMValTool: 2.7.1.dev34+g03e22ef83 INFO [12270] ---------------- INFO [12270] Using config file /home/tugiyo/.esmvaltool/config-user.yml INFO [12270] Writing program log files to: /mnt/d/data2/recipe_climwip_test_basic_20230101_143507/run/main_log.txt /mnt/d/data2/recipe_climwip_test_basic_20230101_143507/run/main_log_debug.txt INFO [12270] Loading ESGF configuration from /home/tugiyo/.esmvaltool/esgf-pyclient.yml INFO [12270] Starting the Earth System Model Evaluation Tool at time: 2023-01-01 14:35:08 UTC INFO [12270] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO [12270] RECIPE = /mnt/d/Cordex/ESMValTool/esmvaltool/recipes/recipe_climwip_test_basic.yml INFO [12270] RUNDIR = /mnt/d/data2/recipe_climwip_test_basic_20230101_143507/run INFO [12270] WORKDIR = /mnt/d/data2/recipe_climwip_test_basic_20230101_143507/work INFO [12270] PREPROCDIR = /mnt/d/data2/recipe_climwip_test_basic_20230101_143507/preproc INFO [12270] PLOTDIR = /mnt/d/data2/recipe_climwip_test_basic_20230101_143507/plots INFO [12270] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO [12270] Running tasks using at most 2 processes INFO [12270] If your system hangs during execution, it may not have enough memory for keeping this number of tasks in memory. INFO [12270] If you experience memory problems, try reducing 'max_parallel_tasks' in your user configuration file. INFO [12270] Creating tasks from recipe INFO [12270] Creating tasks for diagnostic calculate_weights_climwip INFO [12270] Creating diagnostic task calculate_weights_climwip/climwip INFO [12270] Creating preprocessor task calculate_weights_climwip/tas_CLIM INFO [12270] Creating preprocessor 'climatological_mean' task for variable 'tas' INFO [12270] Found input files for CMIP5 ACCESS1-0 INFO [12270] Found input files for CMIP5 ACCESS1-3 INFO [12270] Found input files for CMIP5 CCSM4 r1i1p1 INFO [12270] Found input files for CMIP5 CCSM4 r2i1p1 INFO [12270] Found input files for CMIP5 CCSM4 r3i1p1 INFO [12270] Found input files for CMIP5 CCSM4 r4i1p1 INFO [12270] Found input files for CMIP5 BNU-ESM WARNING [12270] Missing data for fx variable 'sftlf' of dataset native6 WARNING [12270] Missing data for fx variable 'sftof' of dataset native6 ERROR [12270] No input files found for variable {'short_name': 'tas', 'mip': 'Amon', 'preprocessor': 'climatological_mean', 'variable_group': 'tas_CLIM', 'diagnostic': 'calculate_weights_climwip', 'dataset': 'ERA5', 'project': 'native6', 'type': 'reanaly', 'version': '1', 'tier': 3, 'recipe_dataset_index': 4, 'timerange': '1995/2014', 'alias': 'native6', 'original_short_name': 'tas', 'standard_name': 'air_temperature', 'long_name': 'Near-Surface Air Temperature', 'units': 'K', 'modeling_realm': ['atmos'], 'frequency': 'mon', 'start_year': 1995, 'end_year': 2014} ERROR [12270] Looked for files matching {'*.nc'}, but did not find any existing input directory ERROR [12270] Set 'log_level' to 'debug' to get more information INFO [12270] Creating preprocessor task calculate_weights_climwip/pr_CLIM INFO [12270] Creating preprocessor 'climatological_mean' task for variable 'pr' INFO [12270] Found input files for CMIP5 ACCESS1-0 INFO [12270] Found input files for CMIP5 ACCESS1-3 INFO [12270] Found input files for CMIP5 CCSM4 r1i1p1 INFO [12270] Found input files for CMIP5 CCSM4 r2i1p1 INFO [12270] Found input files for CMIP5 CCSM4 r3i1p1 INFO [12270] Found input files for CMIP5 CCSM4 r4i1p1 INFO [12270] Found input files for CMIP5 BNU-ESM WARNING [12270] Missing data for fx variable 'sftlf' of dataset native6 WARNING [12270] Missing data for fx variable 'sftof' of dataset native6 ERROR [12270] No input files found for variable {'short_name': 'pr', 'mip': 'Amon', 'preprocessor': 'climatological_mean', 'variable_group': 'pr_CLIM', 'diagnostic': 'calculate_weights_climwip', 'dataset': 'ERA5', 'project': 'native6', 'type': 'reanaly', 'version': '1', 'tier': 3, 'recipe_dataset_index': 4, 'timerange': '1995/2014', 'alias': 'native6', 'original_short_name': 'pr', 'standard_name': 'precipitation_flux', 'long_name': 'Precipitation', 'units': 'kg m-2 s-1', 'modeling_realm': ['atmos'], 'frequency': 'mon', 'start_year': 1995, 'end_year': 2014} ERROR [12270] Looked for files matching {'*.nc'}, but did not find any existing input directory ERROR [12270] Set 'log_level' to 'debug' to get more information INFO [12270] Creating preprocessor task calculate_weights_climwip/psl_CLIM INFO [12270] Creating preprocessor 'climatological_mean' task for variable 'psl' INFO [12270] Found input files for CMIP5 ACCESS1-0 INFO [12270] Found input files for CMIP5 ACCESS1-3 INFO [12270] Found input files for CMIP5 CCSM4 r1i1p1 INFO [12270] Found input files for CMIP5 CCSM4 r2i1p1 INFO [12270] Found input files for CMIP5 CCSM4 r3i1p1 INFO [12270] Found input files for CMIP5 CCSM4 r4i1p1 INFO [12270] Found input files for CMIP5 BNU-ESM WARNING [12270] Missing data for fx variable 'sftlf' of dataset native6 WARNING [12270] Missing data for fx variable 'sftof' of dataset native6 ERROR [12270] No input files found for variable {'short_name': 'psl', 'mip': 'Amon', 'preprocessor': 'climatological_mean', 'variable_group': 'psl_CLIM', 'diagnostic': 'calculate_weights_climwip', 'dataset': 'ERA5', 'project': 'native6', 'type': 'reanaly', 'version': '1', 'tier': 3, 'recipe_dataset_index': 4, 'timerange': '1995/2014', 'alias': 'native6', 'original_short_name': 'psl', 'standard_name': 'air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level', 'long_name': 'Sea Level Pressure', 'units': 'Pa', 'modeling_realm': ['atmos'], 'frequency': 'mon', 'start_year': 1995, 'end_year': 2014} ERROR [12270] Looked for files matching {'*.nc'}, but did not find any existing input directory ERROR [12270] Set 'log_level' to 'debug' to get more information INFO [12270] Creating tasks for diagnostic weighted_temperature_graph INFO [12270] Creating diagnostic task weighted_temperature_graph/weighted_temperature_graph INFO [12270] Creating preprocessor task weighted_temperature_graph/tas INFO [12270] Creating preprocessor 'temperature_anomalies' task for variable 'tas' INFO [12270] Found input files for ACCESS1-0 INFO [12270] Found input files for ACCESS1-3 INFO [12270] Found input files for CCSM4 r1i1p1 INFO [12270] Found input files for CCSM4 r2i1p1 INFO [12270] Found input files for CCSM4 r3i1p1 INFO [12270] Found input files for CCSM4 r4i1p1 INFO [12270] Found input files for BNU-ESM INFO [12270] PreprocessingTask weighted_temperature_graph/tas created. INFO [12270] Creating tasks for diagnostic weighted_temperature_map INFO [12270] Creating diagnostic task weighted_temperature_map/weighted_temperature_map INFO [12270] Creating preprocessor task weighted_temperature_map/tas_CLIM_future INFO [12270] Creating preprocessor 'climatological_mean' task for variable 'tas' INFO [12270] Found input files for ACCESS1-0 INFO [12270] Found input files for ACCESS1-3 INFO [12270] Found input files for CCSM4 r1i1p1 INFO [12270] Found input files for CCSM4 r2i1p1 INFO [12270] Found input files for CCSM4 r3i1p1 INFO [12270] Found input files for CCSM4 r4i1p1 INFO [12270] Found input files for BNU-ESM INFO [12270] PreprocessingTask weighted_temperature_map/tas_CLIM_future created. INFO [12270] Creating preprocessor task weighted_temperature_map/tas_CLIM_reference INFO [12270] Creating preprocessor 'climatological_mean' task for variable 'tas' INFO [12270] Found input files for ACCESS1-0 INFO [12270] Found input files for ACCESS1-3 INFO [12270] Found input files for CCSM4 r1i1p1 INFO [12270] Found input files for CCSM4 r2i1p1 INFO [12270] Found input files for CCSM4 r3i1p1 INFO [12270] Found input files for CCSM4 r4i1p1 INFO [12270] Found input files for BNU-ESM INFO [12270] PreprocessingTask weighted_temperature_map/tas_CLIM_reference created. ERROR [12270] Could not create all tasks ERROR [12270] Missing data for preprocessor calculate_weights_climwip/tas_CLIM: - Missing data for native6: tas ERROR [12270] Missing data for preprocessor calculate_weights_climwip/pr_CLIM: - Missing data for native6: pr ERROR [12270] Missing data for preprocessor calculate_weights_climwip/psl_CLIM: - Missing data for native6: psl INFO [12270] Maximum memory used (estimate): 0.2 GB INFO [12270] Sampled every second. It may be inaccurate if short but high spikes in memory consumption occur. ERROR [12270] Could not create all tasks