EXIficient - open source implementation of the W3C Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) format specification.
- Bump xerces to 2.12.0
- Allow SAXDecoder.cbuffer to be managed by subclasses
- Fix StAX namespace issue
- Full Canonical EXI support (http://www.w3.org/TR/exi-c14n/), see https://www.w3.org/XML/EXI/implementation-report-c14n/
- Parallel usage of same EXI grammars
- JDK 9 support
- Once again Improved Canonical EXI support (http://www.w3.org/TR/exi-c14n/)
- Bugfixes
- XmlPull API Support added
- Improved Canonical EXI support (http://www.w3.org/TR/exi-c14n/)
- Bugfixes
- Split project across exificient-core and exificient-grammars to allow for use in Java Embedded or Android
- Premature Canonical EXI support (http://www.w3.org/TR/exi-c14n/)
- Bugfixes
- Command-line Interface (CLI) added, see com.siemens.ct.exi.cmd.EXIficientCMD
- Graphical user interface (GUI) added, see com.siemens.ct.exi.gui.EXIficientGUI
- Some minor bugfixes and optimizations
- EXI Profile support proven (http://www.w3.org/XML/EXI/implementation-report-profile/)
- Bugfixes and minor optimizations
- EXI Profile support complete
- EXI errata fixes and code clean-up
- Maven repository setup
- Fixes issues with Java7
- Minor bug-fixes and code clean-up
- Support for EXI profile parameters
- Core parts (grammars & qname handling) revised to improve performance
- Bug-fixes and code clean-up
- StAX API support
- Bug-fixes and performance improvements
- Code clean-up
- Full support for Type-based encoder and decoder
- Includes option "schemaID"
- Bug-fixes and performance improvements
- Code clean-up
- Uses latest Xerces 2.11.0 libs (xercesImpl.jar & xml-apis.jar)
- Full support of EXI Cookie and Header
- Includes option "schemaID"
- Bug-fixes (e.g., grammars, namespaces, ... )
- Simplified all model group
- Support for EXI's blockSize when compressing
- Support for StringTable valueMaxLength and valuePartitionCapacity
- Bug-fixes (e.g., hexBinary, ... )
- Datatypes facets/pattern for String values are taken into account for building restricted character sets
- XML Schema wildcards such as SE(ns:) and AT(ns:) are now encoded in a standard compliant way
- Processing performance boost
- Document Object Model (DOM) API support fully integrated
- Multiple prefixes for same namespace URI can be preserved
- EXI self-contained elements are enabled
- Preserve DocTYPE & EntityReference
- Processing performance has been improved
- Expected but type-invalid attributes are handled correctly
- Restricted Character Sets for Built-in EXI Datatypes implemented
- Integer facets (n-bit Integer, Unsigned Integer, Integer)
- Boolean pattern facet (2bit Boolean) integrated
- more (all ?) schema-deviations handled
- Processing performance has been improved