Prometheus Exporter for SFTP server.
Configurations can be provided in various ways.
Prometheus Exporter for SFTP.
sftp-exporter [flags]
sftp-exporter [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
version Prints the current version
--bind-address string exporter bind address (default "")
-c, --config-file string exporter config file (default "sftp-exporter.yaml")
-h, --help help for sftp-exporter
--log-level string log level [panic | fatal | error | warning | info | debug | trace] (default "info")
--port int exporter port (default 8080)
--sftp-host string SFTP host (default "localhost")
--sftp-key string SFTP key (base64 encoded)
--sftp-key-passphrase string SFTP key passphrase
--sftp-password string SFTP password
--sftp-paths strings SFTP paths (default [/])
--sftp-port int SFTP port (default 22)
--sftp-user string SFTP user
Use "sftp-exporter [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Configs can be passed using environment variables. For example:
$ SFTP_PORT=22 SFTP_USER=example SFTP_PASS=password ./sftp-exporter
Sample config file: sftp-exporter.yaml
By default sftp-exporter
looks for a config file named sftp-exporter.yaml
in the PWD. Custom config file can be provided using --config-file
Order of precedence: Flags > Environment variables > Config file
# HELP sftp_filesystem_free_space_bytes Free space in the filesystem containing the path
# TYPE sftp_filesystem_free_space_bytes gauge
sftp_filesystem_free_space_bytes{path="/upload1"} 7.370901504e+10
sftp_filesystem_free_space_bytes{path="/upload2"} 7.370901504e+10
# HELP sftp_filesystem_total_space_bytes Total space in the filesystem containing the path
# TYPE sftp_filesystem_total_space_bytes gauge
sftp_filesystem_total_space_bytes{path="/upload1"} 8.4281810944e+10
sftp_filesystem_total_space_bytes{path="/upload2"} 8.4281810944e+10
# HELP sftp_objects_available Number of objects in the path
# TYPE sftp_objects_available gauge
sftp_objects_available{path="/upload1"} 1
sftp_objects_available{path="/upload2"} 3
# HELP sftp_objects_total_size_bytes Total size of all the objects in the path
# TYPE sftp_objects_total_size_bytes gauge
sftp_objects_total_size_bytes{path="/upload1"} 312
sftp_objects_total_size_bytes{path="/upload2"} 2337
# HELP sftp_up Tells if exporter is able to connect to SFTP
# TYPE sftp_up gauge
sftp_up 1