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Services and Network Topology

As of release 0.3.0, "Meadowlark" provides a Fastify-based API that implements (imperfectly) an Ed-Fi API compliant with Data Standard 3.3, and implements an OAuth2 API supporting the client-credentials flow. These services are backed by MongoDB for primary data storage. The Ed-Fi API also includes OpenSearch and ElasticSearch to handle GET all items and GET by querystring filters.

The MongoDB configuration needs to have a replica set to support atomic transactions. Technically the replica set can contain only a single node, though we recommend at least three nodes. OpenSearch clustering has not been tested, and the development team does not yet know how clustering works with this tool.

Ideally, all three services would be in the same network segment and able to communicate through unencrypted channels. Indeed, the development team has not tested any alternative. However, only the API port should be open to outside traffic, except as needed for debugging.

                   │                                                        │
                   │                      ┌────────┐                        │
                   │               ┌──────►MongoDB ├───────┐                │
                   │               │      └───┬────┘       │                │
┌───────────┐      │ ┌────────┐    │          │            │                │
│API Clients├──────┼─►Fastify ├────┤      ┌───▼────┐  ┌────▼───┐            │
└───────────┘      │ └────────┘    │      │MongoDB │  │MongoDB │            │
                   │               │      └────────┘  └────────┘            │
                   │               │                                        │
                   │               │      ┌───────────┐     ┌──────────────┐│
                   │               └──────►OpenSearch │ --- │ElasticSearch ││
                   │                      └───────────┘     └──────────────┘│
                   │                                                        │
                   │                                      Network Boundary  │

Environment Variables

Meadowlark has a wealth of configuration options for fine tuning a deployment. At this time, they are all set via environment variable, though many of them have sensible default values. The variables are grouped below by category to help the page remain readable and to aid in searching out specific areas for configuration.

Required configuration values are in bold.

Database Connectivity

Name Default Explanation
MEADOWLARK_DATABASE_NAME meadowlark For both MongoDB and PostgreSQL
MONGO_URI (none) Connection string URI for accessing a MongoDB 4.0-compatible service
MONGODB_MAX_NUMBER_OF_RETRIES 1 Meadowlark can be configured to retry on MongoDB failure, for example when two concurrent transactions attempt to access the same resource. By default, Meadowlark will retry once. This can be changed with the MONGODB_MAX_NUMBER_OF_RETRIES environment variable.
MONGO_WRITE_CONCERN majority See MongoDB: Write Concern
MONGO_READ_CONCERN majority See MongoDB: Read Concern
OPENSEARCH_ENDPOINT (none) Only required when the OpenSearch listener is configured. Example: "http://localhost:9200"
OPENSEARCH_USERNAME x Username for connecting to OpenSearch
OPENSEARCH_PASSWORD y Password for connecting to OpenSearch
ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT (none) Only required when the ElasticSearch listener is configured.
POSTGRES_HOST localhost Server/host name for PostgreSQL
POSTGRES_PORT 5432 Port number for PostgreSQL
POSTGRES_USER (none) Username for accessing PostgreSQL
POSTGRES_PASSWORD (none) Password for accessing PostgreSQL

OAuth2 Provider

Name Default Explanation
OAUTH_SIGNING_KEY (none) OAuth 2.0 signing key, base 64 encoded, 256 bit key
OAUTH_EXPIRATION_MINUTES 60 Token expiration time in minutes
OAUTH_TOKEN_ISSUER edfi-meadowlark-issuer Token issuer
OAUTH_TOKEN_AUDIENCE edfi-meadowlark-audience Token audience

To create a new key:

  • Run npm run createKey
  • or openssl rand -base64 256 from a bash terminal shell.

Fastify API

Name Default Explanation
FASTIFY_NUM_THREADS # of available CPUs Number of parallel Fastify threads to run
FASTIFY_PORT 3000 Port number for the API service
FASTIFY_RATE_LIMIT 0 Disabled when zero; otherwise limits a client to this number of requests per minute
HTTP_PROTOCOL_AND_SERVER http://localhost The base URL for the site
MEADOWLARK_STAGE local Used in the URL
DISABLE_LOG_ANONYMIZATION false When true, request and response logs will contain complete payloads instead of anonymized payloads
LISTENER1_PLUGIN (none) "@edfi/meadowlark-opensearch-backend" or "@edfi/meadowlark-elasticsearch-backend"; if not set, GET queries will fail
LISTENER2_PLUGIN (none) No options at this time
QUERY_HANDLER_PLUGIN (none) "@edfi/meadowlark-opensearch-backend" or "@edfi/meadowlark-elasticsearch-backend"; if not set, GET queries will fail
DOCUMENT_STORE_PLUGIN @edfi/meadowlark-mongodb-backend "@edfi/meadowlark-mongodb-backend" or "@edfi/meadowlark-postgresql-backend
AUTHORIZATION_STORE_PLUGIN @edfi/meadowlark-mongodb-backend "@edfi/meadowlark-mongodb-backend" or "@edfi/meadowlark-postgresql-backend
OAUTH_SERVER_ENDPOINT_FOR_OWN_TOKEN_REQUEST (none) Ex: http://localhost:3000/local/oauth/token
OAUTH_SERVER_ENDPOINT_FOR_TOKEN_VERIFICATION (none) Ex: http://localhost:3000/local/oauth/verify
OWN_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID_FOR_CLIENT_AUTH (none) Client ID with role "verify-only"
OAUTH_HARD_CODED_CREDENTIALS_ENABLED false Allow use of hard-coded tokens for bootstrapping startup of a new system or test automation
OAUTH_CLIENT_PROVIDED_TOKEN_CACHE_TTL 300000 Length of time in milliseconds to cache verified tokens, avoiding extra calls to the OAuth2 provider
OAUTH_CLIENT_PROVIDED_TOKEN_CACHE_MAX_ENTRIES 1000 Control the size of the token cache
IS_LOCAL true When true, prints plain text logs. Else prints structured JSON logs
LOG_LEVEL info Options: error, warn, info, debug
LOG_TO_FILE false When true, save log messages to a file in addition to writing to the console
LOG_FILE_LOCATION /var/log/ Location of log file if LOG_TO_FILE is enabled
ALLOW_TYPE_COERCION false When true, numbers send as strings (e.g. "1") will be accepted in validation
ALLOW__EXT_PROPERTY false When true, a payload may contain the _ext property without causing a validation error
BEGIN_ALLOWED_SCHOOL_YEAR 1900 The beginning of the range of valid school years
END_ALLOWED_SCHOOL_YEAR 2100 THe end of the range of valid school years

Hard-coded tokens

Client ID Client Secret Roles Purpose
meadowlark_admin_key_1 meadowlark_admin_secret_1 admin Create additional clients
meadowlark_verify-only_key_1 meadowlark_verify-only_secret_1 verify-only Allow the API to call the OAuth2 token verification endpoint