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Meadowlark Authentication with OAuth2

Meadowlark contains a built-in OAuth2 Provider that supports that client-credentials grant. In the future, Meadowlark will also support third-party providers. To that end, the Meadowlark Ed-FI API application uses the Meadowlark OAuth2 endpoints as a client, rather than accessing shared code. There are also client management endpoints for creating, updating, and invalidating API clients.

Expected JSON Web Token Format

Meadowlark authentication and authorization relies on JSON Web Tokens (JWT). Both the OAuth2 provider and the API application, as a client, need to have the same expectations for what makes up a proper JWT. Meadowlark also uses the roles optional claim as an array of strings: vendor, assessment, host, admin.

Side note: Meadowlark does not use the concept of Scopes.


  "iss": "ed-fi-meadowlark",
  "aud": "ed-fi-meadowlark",
  "sub": "client name",
  "jti": "3d59b75f-a762-4baa-9116-19c82fdf8de3",
  "iat": 1636562060,
  "exp": 3845548881,
  "client_id": "fbf739c4-fb86-4f03-a477-91af51cc46f2",
  "roles": [ "vendor" ]

These tokens are signed to prevent tampering, using a 256-bit key.

Meadowlark as OAuth2 Server

The OAuth2 Provider supports the following operations:

Token Authentication

Request body should be a standard client_credentials request. For example:

POST http://localhost:3000/local/oauth/token
content-type: application/json

    "grant_type": "client_credentials",
    "client_id": "{client id}",
    "client_secret": "{client secret}"

Sample response to validated request:

  "access_token": "{a properly-formatted JWT}",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "expires_in": 1659374228,
  "refresh_token": "not available"

Token Introspection

This verb and endpoint supports the concept of token introspection. The Meadowlark API as a client calls this endpoint to validate the received token.

Sample request:

POST /oauth/verify
Authorization: bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI....


Note that only form-urlencoded requests are accepted, per the specification.

Only an authenticated client can post to the /oauth/verify endpoint. A client with the "admin" role can post any token, whereas other clients can only post their own token for introspection.

Valid Token Response

Contains the "plain text" of the JWT, with the additional active attribute showing that the token is not expired and has not otherwise been invalidated.

  "active": true,
  "client_id": "fbf739c4-fb86-4f03-a477-91af51cc46f2",
  "sub": "client name",
  "aud": "ed-fi-meadowlark",
  "iss": "ed-fi-meadowlark",
  "exp": 1659374285,
  "iat": 1659374285,
  "roles": [

Invalid Token Response

If the token is expired, or has been invalidated (for example, the client has been deactivated), then the response will look like:

  "active": false

Client Credential Management

Only clients with the "admin" role may access these endpoints.

  • GET /oauth/client

  • GET /oauth/client/{client id}

  • POST /oauth/client

      "clientName": "Hometown SIS",
      "roles": [
  • PUT /oauth/client/{client id}

      "active": true,
      "client_id": "{client id}",
      "clientName": "Hometown SIS",
      "roles": [
  • POST /oauth/client/{client id}/reset - generates a new client_secret for the key

Server Configuration

These environment variables control the internal OAuth2 provider:

Variable Default Value Purpose
OAUTH_EXPIRATION_MINUTES 60 Length of time for a token to remain valid, in minutes
OAUTH_TOKEN_ISSUER ed-fi-meadowlark Value for the iss (issuer) claim on the token
OAUTH_TOKEN_AUDIENCE ed-fi-meadowlark Value for the aud (audience) claim on the token
OAUTH_SIGNING_KEY {empty} Base64-encoded 256 bit signing key
OAUTH_HARD_CODED_CREDENTIALS_ENABLED false Enable built-in credentials for rapid application testing

There are multiple options for generating a signing key.

  1. If you have openssl, run: openssl rand -base64 256.
  2. Run the Meadowlark service and issue a GET request to endpoint /{stage}/oauth/createSigningKey

Meadowlark as OAuth2 Client

As described above, Meadowlark's Ed-Fi API treats the OAuth2 provider as a service, rather than using shared code. Done right, this should make it trivial to integrate with third party providers.

One implication: the API application should not need to know the signing key; only the OAuth2 provider will have that. Thus the client application must use the token introspection endpoint to validate a received token. Validated tokens are cached so that subsequent requests do not need to revalidate them, except for confirming the expiration date. Tokens remain in the cache by default for up to 5 minutes; if there are 1000 (configurable) tokens then the oldest ones are vacated more quickly to make room for more tokens.

Client Configuration

These environment variables are on the Meadowlark client side; when we get to the point of having third party OAuth providers, these settings will still be relevant, whereas the settings above will not be needed.

Variable Default Value Purpose
OAUTH_CLIENT_PROVIDED_TOKEN_CACHE_TTL 300000 ms (5 min) Length of time to accept a token without revalidating
OAUTH_CLIENT_PROVIDED_TOKEN_CACHE_MAX_ENTRIES 1000 Max number of validated tokens to cache
OWN_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID_FOR_CLIENT_AUTH meadowlark_verify-only_key_1 Meadowlark API's client ID for accessing the OAuth2 service
OWN_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET_FOR_CLIENT_AUTH meadowlark_verify-only_secret_1 Meadowlark API's client secret for accessing the OAuth2 service