This project is under development, therefore some placeholder code can be found and important functions non-existent. No public documentation will be provided as of now.
Download the Node.js source code or a pre-built installer for your platform here.
Install Docker by following the steps here.
ECO application uses a mongoDB cluster, therefore you need to create your own mongoDB localy or use a mongoDB atlas cluster.
This project is not yet fully configured to run a production build using the existing docker-compose. Although you can't run the production build via docker-compose, you can successfully run and build the individual docker container. To build a specific docker container image, do the following:
The project contains three important folders - client, server and nginx. These folders specify each ECO service and contain one file called Dockerfile.
Run the following commands to start a container based on the selected client service:
cd ./client
docker run --publish 80:80 --detach --name bb eco-client:1.0.0
Visit your ECO application in a browser at localhost:80.
To start each service in the development state follow these steps:
The project contains three important folders - client, server and nginx - select and navigate into one.
Run the the following command in a command line:
npm install
- Create a .env file in the client folder
- Type the following variables in the file:
- Create a nodemon.json file in the server folder
- Type the following variables in the file:
"MONGO_ATLAS_USERNAME": "your-username",
"MONGO_ATLAS_PWD": "your-password",
"HOST": "localhost",
"PORT": "8000",
"JWT_KEY": "your-own-jwt-key",
"CORS_ORIGIN": "url-to-the-server"
To start the selected service type this in a command line:
npm start