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The sleep apnea dynamics toolbox implemented in Matlab

This is the repository for the code referenced in:

Shuqiang Chen, Susan Redline, Uri T. Eden, and Michael J. Prerau*. Dynamic Models of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Provide Robust Prediction of Respiratory Event Timing and a Statistical Framework for Phenotype Exploration, Sleep, 2022, zsac189,

Table of Contents

General Information

The code in this repository is companion to the paper:

Shuqiang Chen, Susan Redline, Uri T. Eden, and Michael J. Prerau*. Dynamic Models of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Provide Robust Prediction of Respiratory Event Timing and a Statistical Framework for Phenotype Exploration, Sleep, 2022, zsac189,

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), in which breathing is reduced or ceased during sleep, affects at least 10% of the population and is associated with numerous comorbidities. Current clinical diagnostic approaches characterize severity and treatment eligibility using the average respiratory event rate over total sleep time (apnea hypopnea index, or AHI). This approach, however, does not characterize the time-varying and dynamic properties of respiratory events that can change as a function of body position, sleep stage, and previous respiratory event activity. Here, we develop a statistical model framework based on point process theory that characterizes the relative influences of all these factors on the moment-to-moment rate of event occurrence.

This model acts as a highly individualized respiratory fingerprint, which we show can accurately predict the precise timing of future events. We also demonstrate robust model differences in age, sex, and race across a large population. Overall, this approach provides a substantial advancement in OSA characterization for individuals and populations, with the potential for improved patient phenotyping and outcome prediction.

Herein, we provide the corresponding codes to walk through people step by step, from model input construction to model fitting, model visualization, and model goodness-of-fit.

Data Format Description

In general, to analyze apnea dynamics, we need these required information: the apnea event end times, sleep stage times and corresponding stages, position times and corresponding positions. In the example data, the data file that contains all these information is saved in .mat (Matlab) forms, where each subject has an individual struct file that includes:

  • AHI: Apnea Hypopnea Index, in events/hour
  • N: Total number of respiratory events
  • TST: Total sleep time, in hours
  • event_info: [3 x N], double, respiratory events information, [event_start_time, event_duration, event_type]
    • event_tpye: 1 -> hypopnea, 2 -> OSA, 3 -> central
  • hypnogram: [ , x 3], double, sleep stage information, [stage_start_time, stage_duration, corresponding_stages], for corresponding_stages
    • 1: N3 stage
    • 2: N2 stage
    • 3: N1 stage
    • 4: REM (Rapid Eye Movement sleep)
    • 5: Wake
  • rawposition: [ , x 1], vector, double, sleep positions recorded in sampling frequency Fs_pos, which is 32 Hz in MESA dataset. 0:Right; 1: Back; 2: Left; 3: Prone; 4: Upright, which in our implementation, will be relabeled as:
    • 1: Supine (Sleep on back)
    • 0: Non-Supine (Right, Left, Prone, Upright)

Building Design Matrix

To prepare for the model fitting, we need to convert the data into a design matrix that contains all the predictors and a corresponding response column that indicates the apnea event occurrence. Apnea event times were discretized into 1-second intervals and the time series the number of respiratory events (0 or 1) terminating in each of those intervals was computed.

  • Response (y): [n x 1] vector, binary (0 or 1) event train, 1 means the apnea event happened at that time interval

  • Design matrix: [n x 15] matrix defined as [pos sta history]

    • Body position (pos): [n x 1] vector, binary (0 or 1), 1 means Supine position at that time interval
    • Sleep stage (sta): [n x 5] matrix defined as [N1 N2 N3 REM Wake], binary (0 or 1), value 1 in each stage column indicates the corresponding stage the participant is in at that time interval
    • Event history (history):[n x 9] matrix describes the past event activity in the cardinal spline basis
      • Total time lag: 150
      • Tension parameter s: 0.5
      • Number of knots: 9
      • Knot location setting: With end points at 0 and 150 seconds, 4 knots were placed evenly between the 10th percentile of inter-event intervals and 90 seconds, with another knot at 120 seconds. Two additional knots placed at -10 and 160 seconds were used to determine the derivatives of the spline function at the end points
  • Other data saved:

    • Sp: [ord x 9] double, cardinal spline matrix
    • isis: [, x 1] double, inter-event-intervals in seconds

The function build_design_mx is provided to reformat the saved data so they are be used to build design matrix and response for model fitting.


[pos,sta,history,y,Sp,isis] = build_design_mx(bin,Fs_pos,ord,event_info,hypnogram,rawposition)

Model Fitting

In Matlab, glmfit function is applied to fit the point process-GLM model.

  • Input:

    • Design matrix: [pos sta history]
    • Response: y
    • Specify distribution: ‘poisson’
    • Include constant or not: ‘constant’, ‘off’
  • Output:

    • b: fitted parameters
    • dev: deviance of the model
    • stats: a Matlab struct that contains all the information about the model fitting result, including coefficient estimates (b), covariance matrix for b, p-values for b, residuals, etc.


[b, dev, stats] = glmfit([pos sta history],y,'poisson','constant','off');

Model Visualization

To compute the predicted values for the GLM, glmval function is applied

  • Input:

    • Fitted parameters: b
    • Sp: the cardinal spline matrix
    • link function: ‘log’
    • stats: Matlab struct from the output of glmfit
    • Include constant or not: ‘constant’, ‘off’
  • Output:

    • yhat: [150 x 1] vector, history dependence curve
    • ylo: yhat – ylo defines the 95% lower confidence bound of yhat
    • yhi: yhat + yhi defines the 95% upper confidence bound of yhat


[yhat,ylo,yhi] = glmval(b,[zeros(150,6) Sp],'log',stats,'constant','off');

Example Data

We apply the modeling approach to several example subjects from MESA dataset (the same subjects as the Figure 1 b&c in the paper), they have similar AHI (~ 30 events/hr) but very different event patterns. For a single subject, The example1_script is provided in the repository to load the sample data, convert to the design matrix, run the model, output the results, generate history curves as well as goodness-of-fit.

Step 0: Load saved data

We load a single subject from MESA dataset that contains all the information we need, check details in the Data Format Description section.

Step 1: Build and visualize design matrix & response

After we perform the function build_design_mx.m to reformat the saved data into a design matrix and the corresponding response, we can visualize them using plot_DesignMx_Resp.m function.



Step 2: Fit model and output result

Based on the design matrix and response, we can run the model using Matlab built-in function glmfit. We can summarize the fitted parameters as an output table to show the event rates in different sleep stages and a supine multiplier, as well as their 95% confidence intervals. The function save_output_tbl.m will report an output table as shown below and save it as a csv file to your current folder.


[tbl] = save_output_tbl(bin,b,stats)

Step 3: Plot history modulation curve

The history modulation curve estimates a multiplicative modulation of the event rate due to a prior event at any given time lag, which answers the question: How much more likely is there to be a respiratory event, given that an event was observed X seconds ago? Use the plot_hist_mod_curve.m function to generate the history modulation curve.



Step 4: Evaluate model goodness-of-fit using KS plot

If the model is correct, the time-rescaling theorem can be used to remap the event times into a homogenous Poisson process. After rescaling, Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) plots can be used to compare the distribution of inter-event times to those predicted by the model. A well-fit model will produce a KS plot that closely follows a 45-degree line and stays within its significance bounds. KS plots that are not contained in these bounds suggest lack-of-fit in the model. Use the ks_plot.m function to generate the KS plot.


[ks,ksT] = ks_plot(pos,sta,history,y,b);


  • ks: double, KS statistics
  • ksT: double, 0: pass the KS test; 1: fail to reject the null
  • A KS plot will also be drawn to show the goodness-of-fit

Nearly same AHI, dramatically different history modulation structures

Here, we show the four example subjects from MESA dataset, with similar AHI (~ 30 events/hr) but different history modulation curves. A script is provided to generate the following figure.

Adding history component to the framework allows us to capture the dynamic patterns of the respiratory events and greatly improve our predictability in the event timings. These dynamic patterns act as individualized respiratory fingerprints, providing the potential to phenotype patients, and to personalize therapeutic approaches by controlling airway pressure in a dynamic fashion based on moment-to-moment prediction of respiratory events.


The code contained in this repository is companion to the paper:

Shuqiang Chen, Susan Redline, Uri T. Eden, and Michael J. Prerau*. Dynamic Models of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Provide Robust Prediction of Respiratory Event Timing and a Statistical Framework for Phenotype Exploration, Sleep, 2022, zsac189,

which should be cited for academic use of this code.


All implementations are functional, but are subject to refine. Last updated by SC, 08/22/2022