- Access the Docker or Kubernetes volume & compile the relevant proto file(s)
- Set params associated with protocol based (gRPC) process
- Declare policy (not needed for HealthCheck)
- run gRPC client
The following example is using the Kubearmor protocol file, which provides both standard data coming and an HealthCheck.
- Access the Docker or Kubernetes volume & compile the relevant proto file(s) This step will soon be deprecated and replaced by a command within AnyLog
python3 /app/deployment-scripts/grpc/compile.py /app/deployment-scripts/grpc/kubearmor/kubearmor.proto
- Access the Docker or Kubernetes volume & update params for kubernetes
- HealthCheck - /app/deployment-scripts/grpc/kubearmor/deploy_kubearmor_healthcheck.al
- System - /app/deployment-scripts/grpc/kubearmor/deploy_kubearmor_system.al
- Attach into the AnyLog instance & run
- HealthCheck
process $ANYLOG_PATH/deployment-scripts/grpc/kubearmor/deploy_kubearmor_healthcheck.al
- System
process $ANYLOG_PATH/deployment-scripts/grpc/kubearmor/deploy_kubearmor_system.al
In the case where a user does not want to deploy a Kubearmor, they can simply deploy our dummy_kube_server.py, which imitates an active Kuberamor instance. Please make sure to compile kubearmor.proto before starting the server.
python3 dummy_kube_server.py [--port 50051]