V8 is a javascript engine that powered both chrome browser and nodejs, V8 gets the spotlight and standout among others javascript engine like spidermonkey of mozilla firefox and chakra of Microsoft Edge. In this lesson we will find out how V8 javascript engine really works thru examining some lines from the v8 source codes. We will used a sample code provided by the v8 the hello-world.cc
from the samples
directory of v8.
Note: v8-7.9.2 is the version of v8 that we will referenced throughout this lesson, you can find it here.
is a sample code provided by the v8 team that demonstrate how to execute a very short javascript statement 'hello' + 'world'
, a concatenation of two strings 'hello' and 'world', but before that we need to create and initialize the following objects.
- Platform
- Isolate
- Context
- String
Platform is an interface member of the namespace v8
, it is part of the public API of V8. It is used by V8 to get memory page allocation, system clock and threads info.
// @location : include/v8-platform.h
283 | class Platform {
284 | public:
285 | virtual ~Platform() = default;
hello-world.cc STACK:
NewDefaultPlatform < main
// @location : samples/hello-world.cc
16 | std::unique_ptr<v8::Platform> platform = v8::platform::NewDefaultPlatform();
17 | v8::V8::InitializePlatform(platform.get());
As you've seen on line 16 of the hello-world.cc we have used v8::platform::NewDefaultPlatform()
function. It returns an instance or implementation of v8::Platform
wraps inside std::unique_ptr
// @location : include/libplatform/libplatform.h
// @namespace : v8::platform
// @invoker : hello-world.cc > main
37 | V8_PLATFORM_EXPORT std::unique_ptr<v8::Platform> NewDefaultPlatform(
38 | int thread_pool_size = 0,
39 | IdleTaskSupport idle_task_support = IdleTaskSupport::kDisabled,
40 | InProcessStackDumping in_process_stack_dumping =
41 | InProcessStackDumping::kDisabled,
42 | std::unique_ptr<v8::TracingController> tracing_controller = {});
This function takes 4 parameters and each parameter has its default value. Because we invoke this function without supplying any arguments on it, it will used all the default values of these parameters.
hello-world.cc STACK:
DefaultPlatform < NewDefaultPlatform < main
Inside of this function there is a instantation of the class v8::platform::DefaultPlatform
using new
operator that allocates its instance on heap.
// @location : src/libplatform/default-platform.cc
// @namespace : v8::platform
// @invoker : v8::platform::NewDefaultPlatform
41 | std::unique_ptr<DefaultPlatform> platform(
42 | new DefaultPlatform(idle_task_support, std::move(tracing_controller)));
This class is the default implementation of v8::Platform
and the returning value of v8::platform::NewDefaultPlatform()
function, as we learn earlier v8::Platform
is an interface therefore it needs an implementation of a child class to instantiate it.
// @location : src/libplatform/default-platform.h
// @namespace : v8::platform
32 | class V8_PLATFORM_EXPORT DefaultPlatform : public NON_EXPORTED_BASE(Platform) {
33 | public:
34 | explicit DefaultPlatform(
35 | IdleTaskSupport idle_task_support = IdleTaskSupport::kDisabled,
36 | std::unique_ptr<v8::TracingController> tracing_controller = {});
37 |
38 | ~DefaultPlatform() override;
// @location : src/libplatform/default-platform.cc
// @namespace : v8::platform
69 | DefaultPlatform::DefaultPlatform(
70 | IdleTaskSupport idle_task_support,
71 | std::unique_ptr<v8::TracingController> tracing_controller)
72 | : thread_pool_size_(0),
73 | idle_task_support_(idle_task_support),
74 | tracing_controller_(std::move(tracing_controller)),
75 | page_allocator_(new v8::base::PageAllocator()),
76 | time_function_for_testing_(nullptr) {
Inside its constructor at line 75 it creates a new instance of v8::base::PageAllocator()
and passed its pointer value on its variable page_allocator_
hello-world.cc STACK:
PageAllocator < DefaultPlatform < NewDefaultPlatform < main
// @location : src/base/page-allocator.h
// @namespace : v8::base
15 | class V8_BASE_EXPORT PageAllocator
16 | : public NON_EXPORTED_BASE(::v8::PageAllocator) {
17 | public:
18 | PageAllocator();
19 | ~PageAllocator() override = default;
// @location : src/base/page-allocator.cc
// @namespace : v8::base
27 | PageAllocator::PageAllocator()
28 | : allocate_page_size_(base::OS::AllocatePageSize()),
29 | commit_page_size_(base::OS::CommitPageSize()) {}
Inside PageAllocator
constructor it retrieves our memory page size by invoking v8::base::OS::AllocatePageSize()
function then stored the returned value to its allocate_page_size_
variable and then finally retrieves our memory commit size by invoking v8::base::OS::CommitPageSize()
then stored the returned value on its commit_page_size_
This class has static methods for different platform specific functions.
// @location : src/base/platform/platform.h
// @namespace : v8::base
107 | class V8_BASE_EXPORT OS {
261 | static size_t AllocatePageSize();
263 | static size_t CommitPageSize();
V8 has many implementations of this class on each different operating systems but for our example we will used the Windows operating system.
hello-world.cc STACK:
AllocatePageSize < PageAllocator < DefaultPlatform < NewDefaultPlatform < main
// @location : src/base/platform/platform-win32.cc
// @namespace : v8::base::OS
696 | size_t OS::AllocatePageSize() {
697 | static size_t allocate_alignment = 0;
698 | if (allocate_alignment == 0) {
699 | SYSTEM_INFO info;
700 | GetSystemInfo(&info);
701 | allocate_alignment = info.dwAllocationGranularity;
702 | }
703 | return allocate_alignment;
704 | }
This function returns the allocation alignment on our physical memory. It creates a static variable allocate_alignment
and stored on it the returned value of dwAllocationGranularity
. It used the windows GetSysInfo function to get the allocation granularity of our physical memory.
hello-world.cc STACK:
CommitPageSize < PageAllocator < DefaultPlatform < NewDefaultPlatform < main
// @location : src/base/platform/platform-win32.cc
// @namespace : v8::base::OS
707 | size_t OS::CommitPageSize() {
708 | static size_t page_size = 0;
709 | if (page_size == 0) {
710 | SYSTEM_INFO info;
711 | GetSystemInfo(&info);
712 | page_size = info.dwPageSize;
713 | DCHECK_EQ(4096, page_size);
714 | }
715 | return page_size;
716 | }
This function retrieves the value of page size of our physical memory using GetSysInfo
function again and then stores the value of dwPageSize
variable of SYSTEM_INFO struct on a static variable page_size
. After that we will return to PageAllocator
constructor which will return us to DefaultPlatform
hello-world.cc STACK:
DefaultPlatform < NewDefaultPlatform < main
// @location : src/libplatform/default-platform.cc
// @namespace : v8::platform
77 | if (!tracing_controller_) {
78 | tracing::TracingController* controller = new tracing::TracingController();
79 | controller->Initialize(nullptr);
80 | tracing_controller_.reset(controller);
81 | }
We can see at line 77 there is a checking on our tracing_controller_
variable, if it is a nullptr we will create a new v8::platform::tracing::TracingController
instance and allocates its pointer value on heap like we have see at line 78.
// @location : include/v8-platform.h
// @namespace : v8
137 | class TracingController {
138 | public:
139 | virtual ~TracingController() = default;
is an abstract class that trace all events in V8, it can be implemented by the embedder and passed its value on NewDefaultPlatform
function. You can see that at line 78 we created a TracingController
instance of namespace tracing::
instead of the namespace v8::
thats because V8 has its own implementation of this class.
hello-world.cc STACK:
TracingController < DefaultPlatform < NewDefaultPlatform < main
// @location : include/v8-tracing.h
// @namespace : v8::platform::tracing
229 | class V8_PLATFORM_EXPORT TracingController
230 | : public V8_PLATFORM_NON_EXPORTED_BASE(v8::TracingController) {
// @location : src/libplatform/tracing
// @namespace : v8::platform::tracing
64 | TracingController::TracingController() = default;
81 | void TracingController::Initialize(TraceBuffer* trace_buffer) {
82 | trace_buffer_.reset(trace_buffer);
83 | mutex_.reset(new base::Mutex());
84 | }
hello-world.cc STACK:
Initialize < TracingController < DefaultPlatform < NewDefaultPlatform < main
After we have created its instance we will invoke its Initialize
function and passing nullptr
as its argument and passed the nullptr
value on reset
function of trace_buffer_
// @location : include/libplatform/v8-tracing.h
// @namespace : v8::platform::tracing
156 | class V8_PLATFORM_EXPORT TraceBuffer {
157 | public:
158 | TraceBuffer() = default;
159 | virtual ~TraceBuffer() = default;
295 | std::unique_ptr<TraceBuffer> trace_buffer_;
At line 83 we will invoke reset
function of the variable mutex_
passing new instance of base::Mutex
as its argument.
hello-world.cc STACK:
Mutex < Initialize < TracingController < DefaultPlatform < NewDefaultPlatform < main
// @location : src/base/platform/mutex.h
// @namespace : v8::base
37 | class V8_BASE_EXPORT Mutex final {
38 | public:
39 | Mutex();
40 | ~Mutex();
60 | using NativeHandle = SRWLOCK;
72 | private:
73 | NativeHandle native_handle_;
// @location : src/base/platform/mutex.cc
// @namespace : v8::base
80 | Mutex::Mutex() {
81 | InitializeNativeHandle(&native_handle_);
Inside Mutex
constructor we will invoke InitializeNativeHandle
function passing its native_handle_
variable as argument.
hello-world.cc STACK:
InitializeNativeHandle < Mutex < Initialize < TracingController < DefaultPlatform < NewDefaultPlatform < main
// @location : src/base/platform/mutex.cc
// @namespace : v8::base
14 | static V8_INLINE void InitializeNativeHandle(pthread_mutex_t* mutex) {
15 | int result;
28 | result = pthread_mutex_init(mutex, nullptr);
Inside InitializeNativeHandle
function there is a call for pthread_mutex_init
passing mutex
and nullptr
as arguments then after that we will returning to DefaultPlatform
function. After we initialized our controller
we will passed it value on tracing_controller_
hello-world.cc STACK:
DefaultPlatform < NewDefaultPlatform < main
// @location : src/libplatform/default-platform.cc
// @namespace : v8::platform
80 | tracing_controller_.reset(controller);
81 | }
After we fully created our DefaultPlatform
instance, we will set some settings for it.
hello-world.cc STACK:
NewDefaultPlatform < main
43 | platform->SetThreadPoolSize(thread_pool_size);
44 | platform->EnsureBackgroundTaskRunnerInitialized();
45 | return std::move(platform);