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Generating the Update Environment with updenvimg

updenvimg is a tool written in Rust that generates an environment which is used to synchronize the state of an update between the update tool rupdate and bootloaders like u-boot or barebox, initramfs like dracut or hypervisors like L4re. To make the adaption of these third party components as easy as possible, the environment is binary encoded following the bincode specification. The description of the updatable partitions is provided by a partition configuration (JSON), which is described in detail in the README of the partcfgimg tool.

Update Environment (bincode)

The update environment is a binary encoded (bincode) description of the current update state, which major target is to make no or as little as possible assumptions on the bootloader or hypervisor. The main structure of this environment contains only two update states, which are separated with a fixed offset.

Update State

The two update states are written in turns. This allows the system to recover from a failed write attempt, a system crash or a sudden power interrupt. To identify the latest update state, an environment revision is incremented with each write to the environment. Each of these states contains a four byte magic, a protocol version, an environment revision, a remaining boot try counter, a state identifier and a list of partition selections, followed by a hash sum:

Field Description Size Description Example Example Description
magic ID of this data structure "update-environment" 4 Bytes Magic Number "EBUS" Short for EB Update State
version version of update env syntax 4 Bytes Version 0x0000_0001 Version
env_revision Identifies the most recent update state 4 Bytes Environment Revision 34 Number of updates done.
remaining_tries Tries to boot active partitions.
-1: selected
0: no tries left
<n>: n tries left
2 Bytes Remaining Tries 16 Remaining number of boot retries
state State of the update process:
0: normal 'normal' state - nothing to do
1: installed New update installed
2: committed New update committed
testing=3 new version is tested.
4: revert Current version shall be reverted.
1 Byte Update state 2
partsel_count List of partition selection for each partition set, see below 8 Bytes Partsel Count 42 Number of partition selections
Partition Selection see below Description of partition selection
checksum_type The type of the checksum e.g. 32=crc32 or 256=sha256 4 Bytes Checksum Identifier 13 A numeric identifier for the checksum type
checksum The checksum of the before structure n Bytes Checksum / signature <SHA512> e.g. SHA512

Partition Selection

As this update concept is created around a pendulum update, where two partitions A and B are combined into a partition set and updates are written in turns to those partitions. Which of these partitions is the one to be booted, is determined by the partition selection, which references a partition set in the partition configuration (linux) and partition environment (bootloader), the active variant (A or B), a rollback flag indicating if this partition set would be affected by a rollback and the affected flag indicating if the set is currently affected by an ongoing update:

Field Description Size Description Example Example Description
name Name of the set 36 Bytes Set Name "rootfs" Name of the partition set.
active Active partition to be used (A or B) 1 Byte Active "a" Active partition to be used (A or B)
rollback true: Inactive set variant contains software to rollback to,
if part_desc.rollback=="permitted"
false, rollback not allowed or possible.
1 Byte Rollback 0x00 Rollback possible and allowed?
affected Set affected by the update, partitions need to be swapped. 1 Byte Revert 0x01 Needs A/B swap during revert.

Reference Implementation in C


enum hashsum_type {

enum variant {
    A = 0,
    B = 1

enum state {

struct update_state {
    /* 4 byte magic identifier (ASCII encoded) */
    char magic[4];
    /* 4 byte version number */
    uint32_t version;
    /* 4 byte system revision */
    uint32_t revision;
    /* 2 byte remaining retries */
    int16_t remaining_retries;
    /* 1 byte state */
    uint8_t state;
    /* 8 byte number of partition selections */
    uint64_t partsel_count;
    /* array of <partsel_count> partition selections */
    struct partition_selection *partsel;
    /* 4 byte of hashsum identifier */
    uint32_t hashsum_type;
    /* n bytes of hashsum, size is determined by hashsum_type */
    uint8_t *hashsum;

struct partition_selection {
    /* 36 byte set name (ASCII encoded) */
    char[36] set_name;
    /* active partition in set;either A = 0x00 or B = 0x01 */
    uint8_t active;
    /* rollback allowed? either false = 0x00 or true = 0x01 */
    bool rollback;
    /* revert allowed? either false = 0x00 or true = 0x01 */
    bool affected;

Duplicate storage of the environment

Write the update environment

The update environment is stored in two independent locations, e.g. two different blocks. Integrity of update environments is verified by checksums. If checksums is verified successful for both the most recent one is used. The most recent update environment is identified by the env_revision. The higher the env_revision the more recent is the update environment.

PlantUML Code
@startuml upd_env_write

hide footbox

box "System"
        participant "caller" as caller

        participant "writer" as writer

        database "update environment \n location 1" as updenv1
        database "update environment \n location 2" as updenv2
end box

mainframe update env write

== Write ==

caller -> writer :  request to write data

writer -> updenv1 : read raw data
writer -> writer : verify ID, version and checksum

writer -> updenv2 : read raw data
writer -> writer : verify ID, version and checksum

alt only location 1 valid

 writer <- updenv1 : copy env_revision
 writer -> writer: increment env_revision, \n set data as requested, calculate checksum
 writer -> updenv2 : write

else only location 2 valid

 writer <- updenv2 : copy env_revision
 writer -> writer : increment env_revision, \n set data as requested, calculate checksum
 writer -> updenv1 : write

else both valid

alt env_revision from location 1 is higher or equal than location 2

 writer <- updenv1 : copy env_revision
 writer -> writer: increment env_revision, \n set data as requested, calculate checksum
 writer -> updenv2 : write

else env_revision from location 2 is higher than location 1

 writer <- updenv2 : copy env_revision
 writer -> writer: increment env_revision, \n set data as requested, calculate checksum
 writer -> updenv1 : write


writer -> caller : report success

else both invalid

writer -> caller : report error



The update environment needs to be written before and after each write of an image to a partition.

RAM-copy to write

Writing to the update environment shall be done as limited as possible by use of a local copy:

  • copy the update environment to local memory in RAM
  • accumulate all needed changes in that copy
  • write the copy to update environment storage in persistent memory

Read the update environment

During read the only valid or the most recent update environment is returned.

PlantUML Code
@startuml upd_env_read

hide footbox

box "System"
        participant "caller" as caller

        participant "reader" as reader

        database "update environment \n location 1" as updenv1
        database "update environment \n location 2" as updenv2
end box

mainframe update env read

== Read ==

caller -> reader :  request read

reader -> updenv1 : read raw data
reader -> reader : verify ID, version and checksum

reader -> updenv2 : read raw data
reader -> reader : verify ID, version and checksum

alt only one valid

reader -> reader : select valid data

else two valid

reader -> reader : select data with highest env_revision

else none valid

reader -> caller : report error


reader -> caller :  return selected data



Build the images with:

plantuml -tsvg -o ../doc/images/