This project illustrates how to integrate the following quality assurance tools with Play applications:
- PMD source code analysis
- Checkstyle source code analysis
- FindBugs byte code analysis
- JavaDoc and ScalaDoc documentation generation
- Jacoco test coverage analysis
Adding these tools to your Play project requires adding a qa.sbt
file and changes to the project/ directory:
- Create qa.sbt to add commands to the play console; the contents of this file augment the contents of
. - Update plugins.sbt to add libraries.
- Add command definition files: ApiDocSettings.scala, CheckstyleSettings.scala, and PmdSettings.scala.
- Add (and maybe modify) configuration files: checkstyle-config.xml, pmd-ruleset.xml, and findbugs-excludefilter.xml.
Click the image below to watch a 14 minute walkthrough of this example:
[~/projecthosting/github/play-example-quality-assurance]-> play pmd
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/johnson/projecthosting/github/play-example-quality-assurance/project
[info] Set current project to play-example-quality-assurance (in build file:/Users/johnson/projecthosting/github/play-example-quality-assurance/)
[info] Running PMD...
[success] Total time: 1 s, completed Jun 10, 2013 1:33:54 PM
The output file is in target/pmd/pmd-report.txt
and echoed to the console.
For Play's default application, no PMD warnings are generated, resulting in a blank info line output.
Modify pmd-ruleset.xml to change the way PMD analyzes your code.
[~/projecthosting/github/play-example-quality-assurance]-> play checkstyle
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/johnson/projecthosting/github/play-example-quality-assurance/project
[info] Set current project to play-example-quality-assurance (in build file:/Users/johnson/projecthosting/github/play-example-quality-assurance/)
[info] Running checkstyle...
[info] Starting audit...
[info] /Users/johnson/projecthosting/github/play-example-quality-assurance/app/controllers/ Missing file.
[info] /Users/johnson/projecthosting/github/play-example-quality-assurance/app/controllers/ Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided - play.*.
[info] /Users/johnson/projecthosting/github/play-example-quality-assurance/app/controllers/ Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided - play.mvc.*.
[info] /Users/johnson/projecthosting/github/play-example-quality-assurance/app/controllers/ Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided - views.html.*.
[info] /Users/johnson/projecthosting/github/play-example-quality-assurance/app/controllers/ Missing a Javadoc comment.
[info] /Users/johnson/projecthosting/github/play-example-quality-assurance/app/controllers/ Line has trailing spaces.
[info] /Users/johnson/projecthosting/github/play-example-quality-assurance/app/controllers/ Missing a Javadoc comment.
[info] /Users/johnson/projecthosting/github/play-example-quality-assurance/app/controllers/ Line has trailing spaces.
[info] /Users/johnson/projecthosting/github/play-example-quality-assurance/app/views/index.scala.html:4: Line has trailing spaces.
[info] /Users/johnson/projecthosting/github/play-example-quality-assurance/app/views/index.scala.html:6: Line has trailing spaces.
[info] Audit done.
[success] Total time: 1 s, completed Jun 10, 2013 1:39:55 PM
The output file is in target/checkstyle/checkstyle-report.txt
and also echoed to the console.
For Play's default application, 10 Checkstyle warnings are generated.
Modify checkstyle-config.xml to change the way Checkstyle analyzes your code.
[~/projecthosting/github/play-example-quality-assurance]-> play findbugs
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/johnson/projecthosting/github/play-example-quality-assurance/project
[info] Set current project to play-example-quality-assurance (in build file:/Users/johnson/projecthosting/github/play-example-quality-assurance/)
[success] Total time: 7 s, completed Jun 10, 2013 1:45:10 PM
The output file is in target/findbugs/findbugs.xml
For Play's default application, no FindBug errors are generated, but the plugin will output the number of warnings found if non-zero.
Modify findbugs-excludefilter.xml to change the way findbugs processes your code. Additional FindBugs configuration options can be provided in qa.sbt.
[~/projecthosting/github/play-example-quality-assurance]-> play jacoco:cover
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/johnson/projecthosting/github/play-example-quality-assurance/project
[info] Set current project to play-example-quality-assurance (in build file:/Users/johnson/projecthosting/github/play-example-quality-assurance/)
[info] ApplicationTest
[info] + ApplicationTest.simpleCheck
[info] + ApplicationTest.renderTemplate
[info] Total for test ApplicationTest
[info] Finished in 0.239 seconds
[info] 2 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors
[info] IntegrationTest
[info] + IntegrationTest.test
[info] Total for test IntegrationTest
[info] Finished in 2.875 seconds
[info] 1 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors
[info] Passed: : Total 3, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 3, Skipped 0
[success] Total time: 4 s, completed Jun 10, 2013 1:51:29 PM
The output report is available in target/jacoco/html/index.html
For Play's default application, statement coverage is 57%.
Jacoco configuration options can be provided in qa.sbt.
[~/projecthosting/github/play-example-quality-assurance]-> play api-doc
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/johnson/projecthosting/github/play-example-quality-assurance/project
[info] Set current project to play-example-quality-assurance (in build file:/Users/johnson/projecthosting/github/play-example-quality-assurance/)
[info] No sources available, skipping Scala API documentation...
[info] Creating destination directory: "target/doc/api/java/"
[info] Loading source files for package controllers...
[info] Loading source files for package tests...
[info] Constructing Javadoc information...
[info] Standard Doclet version 1.7.0_10
[info] Building tree for all the packages and classes...
[info] Generating target/doc/api/java/controllers/Application.html...
[info] Generating target/doc/api/java/tests/ApplicationTest.html...
[info] Generating target/doc/api/java/tests/IntegrationTest.html...
[info] Generating target/doc/api/java/overview-frame.html...
[info] Generating target/doc/api/java/controllers/package-frame.html...
[info] Generating target/doc/api/java/controllers/package-summary.html...
[info] Generating target/doc/api/java/controllers/package-tree.html...
[info] Generating target/doc/api/java/tests/package-frame.html...
[info] Generating target/doc/api/java/tests/package-summary.html...
[info] Generating target/doc/api/java/tests/package-tree.html...
[info] Generating target/doc/api/java/constant-values.html...
[info] Generating target/doc/api/java/src-html/controllers/Application.html...
[info] Generating target/doc/api/java/src-html/tests/IntegrationTest.html...
[info] Generating target/doc/api/java/src-html/tests/ApplicationTest.html...
[info] Building index for all the packages and classes...
[info] Generating target/doc/api/java/overview-tree.html...
[info] Generating target/doc/api/java/index-all.html...
[info] Generating target/doc/api/java/deprecated-list.html...
[info] Building index for all classes...
[info] Generating target/doc/api/java/allclasses-frame.html...
[info] Generating target/doc/api/java/allclasses-noframe.html...
[info] Generating target/doc/api/java/index.html...
[info] Generating target/doc/api/java/overview-summary.html...
[info] Generating target/doc/api/java/help-doc.html...
API documentation in target/doc/api
[success] Total time: 2 s, completed Jun 10, 2013 1:55:36 PM
The API documentation can be found in target/doc/api
NOTE: With this approach, in order for test code to be documented by JavaDoc, you must locate them a package called "tests" inside the top-level test/ directory. See this repo for an example. This is a change from the "play new" command, which puts the sample tests in the default package. Creating a "tests" package creates consistency with the existing Play convention of "controllers", "models", and "views" packages.
To modify the output, edit ApiDocSettings.scala.
- Tweaked docs and migrated to Play 2.2.0 build.sbt format, thanks to Mike Slinn:
- Checkstyle and PMD integration thanks to Lily Masory:
- Findbugs integration thanks to Joachim Hofer:
- Jacoco integration thanks to Joachim Hofer:
- JavaDoc/ScalaDoc integration thanks to Yvonnick Esnault:
Last tested on Play 2.2.0