This assignment utilised the following resources to be created:
"How to Create A Navbar In React With Routing" by Web Dev Simplified (YouTube)- I wanted to make a navigation bar that does not reload the site after selecting a new page. I found out to do so, you will have to use the "react-router-dom" library.
"LocalStorage-with-React-Hooks-BookList-App" by HamzaAnwar1998 ( - This repository was referred to create the "My Portfolio" page, allowing data to persist after refreshing through LocalStorage. As well as using CSS Bootstrap to style the table and forms.
CSV Files were initially converted into JSON files with a Python script.
This assignment is another simple React application. If you download it, simply input "npm start" into the terminal to compile and run the application.
The Deployed App can be located in the following GitHub Pages Link: