##ROS Stack for Aldebaran's Nao Humanoid
- Goal is to connect to the machine of Nao and not the API provided by Aldebaran.
- Ιt makes use only of the DCM and Memory Proxies.
- Supports V4.0/V5.0 robots (H21 and H25 Body Types).
- Written purely in C++ and uses the lastest C++ SDK (
- Coupled with official packages
0.0.1 (Beta)
nao_dcm requires several packages to be installed in order to work properly:
- ROS - ROS Hydro
- NaoQi C++ SDK - Version - Should work on 1.14.5 too.
- ROS MoveIt! - Used for motion planning
- ROS Control - Version >=0.6.0
- Webots for Nao - The best? simulator so far [optional]
- Gazebo - Work in progress but with satisfactory results (Version >= 2.2.2 alongside gazebo-ros-pkgs >= 2.3.4 and roboticsgroup_gazebo_plugins) [optional]
- Nao Robot - A real working Nao is the best "simulator" you'll ever get!! Version >= V4.0 and flashed OpenNao OS >=
###Bringup nao_dcm driver
roslaunch nao_dcm_bringup nao_dcm_bringup.launch
This will connect to Nao Robot and provide basic control over Nao.
###Webots Simulation
Launch your Webots for Nao Simulator and then follow the instructions above to bringup nao_dcm driver (remotely). On some versions of Webots, it is required that you move the head before you get camera feedback.
- nao_dcm can be run locally, but you need to have built and installed ROS Hydro/Indigo on Nao as nao_dcm requires ros_controls packages (available only on >= Hydro). Yet, running nao_dcm driver remotely is identical in performance as running it locally (if the connection is strong and persistent - Wi-Fi usage is not recommended).
- Tutorials will become available as soon as possible.
- Although my intension is to provide ROS integration to the machine, basic gait and motion planning schemes are on the way for those that want quick results/feedback.
- Integration for LED, IR and Audio hardware is not available and is not on my agenda. So, feel free to contribute in that direction.
- This is only ONE part of my Diploma Thesis ("Navigation of Humanoid Robots in Unknown Space With Dynamic Obstacles"), so many parts of the code are not perfect and well-thought. So, PRs for code improvement are welcomed.
Since my intention is to use the lowest level of Aldebaran's API possible and its name is DCM, I decided to name the ROS Stack nao_dcm.
Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Konstantinos Chatzilygeroudis