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Using Metering

This document demonstrating using Metering to create reports and fetch their results. If you want a guide on how to extend Metering with custom queries and reports, read the writing custom queries guide

Note: Wait at least 15 minutes after installing Metering before generating reports to enable Metering to reach a consistent state and fetch some data from Prometheus

Writing a report

First, read the Reports guide for a list of available options.

Select a ReportQuery and a reportingStart and reportingEnd. Use 'kubectl' to query the Metering namespace for a list of available ReportQueries:

kubectl get reportqueries -n $METERING_NAMESPACE

Each ReportQuery is designed to report on a specific resource, usually a pod, namespace or node, and on a specific metric, like cpu or memory, on a specific resource. Some reports correlate several of these metrics in a single report. See the Reports guide for more information on the returns provided by each report query.

Creating a report

A report can be created for Metering to run using kubectl. The report should be created in the same namespace as Metering is installed.

First, create an example report. Save the following into a file called report.yaml (times are UTC):

kind: Report
  name: namespace-cpu-request
  reportingStart: '2019-01-01T00:00:00Z'
  reportingEnd: '2019-12-30T23:59:59Z'
  query: "namespace-cpu-request"
  runImmediately: true

Once the report YAML is written, use kubectl to create the report:

$ kubectl -n $METERING_NAMESPACE create -f report.yaml

Existing reports can be viewed in Kubernetes with the following command:

$ kubectl -n $METERING_NAMESPACE get reports

A report's status can be inspected by viewing the object with the -o json flag:

$ kubectl -n $METERING_NAMESPACE get report namespace-cpu-request -o json

Viewing reports

Once a report's status has changed to Finished, the report is ready to be downloaded. The Metering Pod exposes an HTTP API for this.

If you're using Openshift, we need to get the metering route's hostname:

METERING_ROUTE_HOSTNAME=$(oc -n $METERING_NAMESPACE get routes metering -o json | jq -r '.status.ingress[].host')

The URL used to fetch a report changes based on the report's name and format. The format parameter may be either csv, json, or tab. The URL scheme is:

/api/v1/reports/get?name=[Report Name]&namespace=[Report Namespace]&format=[Format]

Using the URL scheme above and the metering route hostname, we can run the following command to access a report's data:

TOKEN=$(oc -n $METERING_NAMESPACE serviceaccounts get-token reporting-operator)
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -k "https://$METERING_ROUTE_HOSTNAME/api/v1/reports/get?name=[Report Name]&namespace=$METERING_NAMESPACE&format=[Format]"

For example, if we wanted the results of a report with the name namespace-cpu-request and in the CSV format, we would run:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -k "https://$METERING_ROUTE_HOSTNAME/api/v1/reports/get?name=namespace-cpu-request&namespace=$METERING_NAMESPACE&format=csv"

If you're using Kubernetes, we first need to setup a proxy to access Kubernetes services:

$ kubectl proxy

Using kubectl proxy requires that the URL be accessed through a prefix that points to the Kubernetes service. (See the upstream documentation on manually constructing apiserver proxy URLs for more details.) The following example assumes that the $METERING_NAMESPACE environment variable is properly set:$METERING_NAMESPACE/services/http:reporting-operator:api/proxy/api/v1/reports/get?name=[Report Name]&namespace=$METERING_NAMESPACE&format=[Format]

If you are using Openshift, you'll need to change to the following, which uses HTTPS by default:$METERING_NAMESPACE/services/https:reporting-operator:api/proxy/api/v1/reports/get?name=[Report Name]&namespace=$METERING_NAMESPACE&format=[Format]

For example, the results of a report with the name namespace-cpu-request report can be fetched in CSV, with the following command:

$ curl ""