Spring-boot-security authentication& authorization db register attendance signin signout
Spring-boot (JPA)
Mvc Pattern
HTML5,CSS3 (thymeleaf)
Custom error Pages
keystore (jks)
https://localhost:3000/register -----------> for register
https://localhost:3000/secured/loginUser ---> User Login
https://localhost:3000/secured/loginAdmin ---> Admin Login
https://localhost:3000/secured/attendancSignIn ---> Attendance signIn
https://localhost:3000/secured/attendancSignOut ---> Attendance signOut
https://localhost:3000/secured/getList -----> get remoteUser AttendanceDetails
change application.properties
and again change into
If the working hours goes below 8 Hrs, but greater than 4 Hrs, half day absent is marked.
If the Hours goes below 4 Hrs, full day absent is marked.
if fail to attendanceSignOut, attendanceSignIn will not work so mandatory to attendanceSignOut
GetList menu get remoteUser AttendanceDetails